Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tweets 34

Zsadist: *groggily opening my eyes as the alarm goes off, curled next to Payne, I kiss her forehead and gently stroke her back. Groaning as the idea of going back to Caldwell and real life floods my thoughts. Shaking her slightly, whispering in her ear* Princess, come on, wake up. Sun is down and we have a plane to catch*

Payne: *inhaling deeply Z's scent as I feel his warm lips on my forehead and his breath in my ear. I hear his groan and mimic it as he mentions getting on the plane. Keeping my eyes closed, I lift my head to kiss his lips. Opening my eyes to meet his big yellow ones, whining slightly* Do we have to babe? Can't we stay here forever?

Zsadist: *kissing your lips, then moving mine to your cheek* I wish we could stay too. But Wrath will have my ass if I don't get back on rotation. *glancing up at the ceiling, thoughts of being back in our playroom again causing me to smile* What if I promise you we will come back? *moving my lips to your forehead, the tip of your nose while I swat at your ass* Now come on. Get your stuff packed.

Payne: *smiling at your smile as you hit my ass, wondering if you are thinking about the playroom, sighing loudly and dramatically* Okay as long as you promise. *smirking as I watch you get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Getting up, stretching my naked body, smiling at the wonderful weekend we had. I get dressed and start getting our things together.*

Zsadist: *coming out of the bathroom, seeing my beautiful female dressed and about ready to go, I walk up behind you and wrap my arms around your waist, my lips finding your neck* You are so fucking beautiful. I can't wait to make you my wife.

*surprised at your words, I spin around in your arms, cocking my eyebrow as a wide grin forms on my face* Really? I figured you would want to wait?

Zsadist: *smirking and cocking my eyebrow at you* Why would I want to wait? You are amazing and we make a great team. *kissing your lips* I want you to be mine......all mine.

Payne: *smiling as I grab your ass and kiss you hard* That is true. But I am yours. Always babe.

Zsadist: *nodding as I release my arms from you, feeling my cock twitch as you grab my ass, knowing if you get me started, we will never leave Atlanta.* Yeah, I know...but you know what I mean....*shaking my head not knowing how to word this right* Are you ready to go?

*shaking my head, smiling, knowing exactly what you mean* Yes, I think so. But for the record, I don't want to go. *making a dramatic pouty face*

Zsadist: *kisses your pouty lips and nibbles on them slightly then grabbing the bag from you with one hand and taking your hand in my other* I promised we will come back.....I meant it.

Payne: *nods as you lead me to the elevator to the check out desk. As you take care of business, I take one last look around. Then take your hand as we head out the front door to the waiting car. Curling into your side as we ride to the airport, leaning my cheek on your shoulder* I had a wonderful time Z. Thank you for bringing me here.

Zsadist: *kissing the top of your head* Me too Princess, me too. Glancing out the window as we arrive at the airport, seeing the jet is ready to go. Taking your hand and guiding you from the car, keeping you close to me as we board the plane and get strapped in. Nodding to the pilot we are ready to go* You ready to head home Princess?

*smiling softly as I grip your hand, still uneasy about this whole flying thing* As long as you are with me, I am ready for anything. *turning my head to watch out the window as the plane takes off. Seeing the lights of Atlanta fade from view as we climb higher and get closer to home*

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