Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tweets 29

Payne: *as we return to our seats, the plane begins to make its descent into Atlanta. I am suddenly nervous and excited and anxious. Taking your hand in mine as the plane stops and we get off. I breathe in a deep breath of the cool night air before getting into the car that's awaiting us*

*getting you into the car and telling the driver to take us to The Westin, downtown. We ride along in silence as you take in all the scenery. Pulling up into the underground parking garage of The Westin someone takes our bags and goes up another elevator as I pull you close to me, nuzzling my head in your hair.* you excited about tonight? *not caring you sees the public display of affection.*

*looking around at the beautiful hotel and smirking at you, holding you close to me* Excited and a little nervous I think. You?

*walking up to the front desk and hand them my ID and my credit card. Keeping you pressed to my side the entire time. The human male quickly shuts his mouth with his whole 'rehearsed speech' and just started typing away on his computer. I let you look around the interior of the hotel as I keep my eyes on you. For it being almost midnight, it is pretty busy inside the hotel. The human quickly passes over two key-cards and points us to the elevators.* First bank of elevators takes you to the top floor, your bags will be waiting inside your room. *I nod to the human and quickly take your hand and pulls you to the elevators. All while the human continues to stare at you. Shaking my head as I quickly get us inside the elevator. Knowing this will be one long ass night if everyone looks at you that way. We stop at our floor and I get us to our door. Opening it with the electronic key that isn't needed when you have the unlocking capabilities that I do. Ushering you inside first I let you take the first assessment of the room. and the view outside our window. *

*taking in all the modern furniture and decor in the lobby with awe, then seeing our room and the breathtaking view* Wow, Z, this is beautiful. Look at downtown Atlanta *pointing out the window, my eyes widen as it seems we can see for miles* I am going to freshen up then, can we go? *smiling wide, unable to hide my enthusiasm as I come to you, wrap my arms around your waist & lean up to kiss your lips*

*growling as I kiss you back. pulling you tightly to me.* Yes, we can go anytime you want. only as long as we are back before sun up because I need to take you in front of these windows. *my lower half coming alive at the thought*

*growling at you, feeling you harden, pushing on your chest* Then let me freshen up please *smirking at you and shaking my ass purposefully as I make my way to the bathroom. I close the door and call out to you* Holy shit! You should see in here! I know where we can be when the sun does come up *chuckling at myself as I put on some of the lip goo that the other shellans have showed me how to use. Running a brush through my long hair and straightening my clothes, I open the door, nervous, but anxious* Ready babe?

*keeping the same pants on as I unbutton the shirt was wearing a little more. not sure how the trip to the club will go, but we will have to see. Smirking at your comment about the bathroom I let my eyes wonder around the room. Until I see you emerge from the bathroom where I smirk at you and then take your hand in mine and pulling you to me* Beautiful. like always. *kissing your cheek as I notice the lip stuff you put on and knowing you wouldn't want me to mess it up.* Ready. Should we go? *walking to the door and opening it for you.*

*smiling at you as we make our way to the lobby and out to an awaiting car. I climb in as you hold the door for me and tell the driver 'the trapeze club'. My heart rate begins to increase as we drive, knowing we are getting closer. I take deep breaths, unsure why I am so damned nervous*

*seeing the driver move through the streets. going from the busy downtown area to a more industrial area and then into a more shady, dangerous area. knowing that we can take care of ourselves no matter what. rotating my leg as I feel my dagger on the back and my glock hidden in the inside of my lower leg. just in case. Arriving to the outside of the club and taking your hand.* Dont worry, princess, we can only stay for as long as you want. when you are ready to go, just let me know. *walking inside the lobby area where the lady gives us a few forms to fill out and I pay and we are let inside. Being worried the inside will look like the outside, I am surprised when it is the complete opposite.* and

*holding your hand tight as we walk into the club, hearing the music pumping loud. Several people are on the dance floor and many-more are on the couches. Not knowing what I expected, but this is like a club. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and relax my grip on your hand a bit. I see mostly couples, some just talking, others dancing, others .... showing lots of affection. But all are dressed nicely and having a good time. Looking up at you, I pull on your hand and lean up to kiss your lips* Should we take a look around?

*nodding as I move my hand from yours and wrap my arm around your lower back, just to make sure no one questions who you belong to.* Yes, lets look. *walking past the sofas and the bar area and the dance floor and some other little corner places with more seating where I see two couples engaged in a very intense make out session. Some with their significant other, and occasionally changing partners. my inner male takes in the view and instantly imagines my female with another. Trying to place my feeling on the subject, I keep walking.*

*checking out the club tucked into you, feeling safe and comfortable, we walk through a hallway and there are windows on either side, pausing at one and taking a look, I see it looks like a bedroom. There is no one inside, just a bed. Walking a little further down the hall, I peek into another window and see a couple having sex. I elbow you and point to the window. I blush as I stand there and watch but am unable to look away. My breathing becomes unsteady and I realize I am getting aroused by this. I look at you and lick my lips, pull on your hand to go further down the hall. We come to a door whose sign reads "No Clothing Beyond This Point" there are arrows pointing in two directions, one to a female locker room & one to a male locker room. I look to you to make the decision if we should go forward or not*

*seeing the sign I instantly get worried and protective. knowing I am not ready to share you just yet. leaning down to your ear I whisper* Tomorrow. *taking your hand as we walk back down the same hallway to the main area. the music gets louder as we get closer to the dance floor. hearing a new song start up, I figure dancing a little will help me adjust to this new place and this new environment. is playing as I take you hand in mine and walk us to the dance floor.*

*letting out a breath of relief, not sure I was ready to go through that door yet needing to release some of this nervous energy hearing the song play, glad you are pulling me to the dance floor. Keeping your hand in mine, I pull you close to me as I begin to move my hips against yours to the music.*

*putting my hands on your hips as you start dancing to the music, I move along with you. all the other people around us fall away as I focus on you. my body moving with yours like we are one person. my head lowering to your shoulder as I start laying kisses against your neck and shoulder. Unable to keep myself away.*

*wrapping my arms around you to bring your body closer to mine, angling my neck to give you more skin, grinding my center into yours, my hands resting on your ass, giving it a squeeze as I pull you closer to me*

*groaning as I feel you controlling my hands. tightening my grip on your ass as my mouth continues to explore your neck and shoulder. Kissing and nipping at you as another song comes on. Not sure what it is, but just moving to the beat as your body grinds against mine. my cock pressing up against you with each swipe of your hip you give me.*

*growling at the feel of your cock hardening against me, pushing my center against you a little more, grabbing at the small of your back as we move together, creating heat between our bodies*

*needing more of you, I lean up slightly and take your face in my hand. Angling your mouth as I bring my mouth down to yours slowly brushing my lips over yours, then deepening the kiss more. Having all the humans moving around us I tone them out as I press your entire body to mine.*

*moaning into your mouth as my tongue slides in between your lips, knowing you can feel the vibration. Becoming lost in you and oblivious to everyone else around us, I hook one leg up & around your waist, your cock at my naked center. I gasp slightly at the feel.*

*having stopped our movement on the dance floor, we are standing, with our bodies practically overtaking each of us. my mouth devouring yours with each swipe of my tongue. Groaning into your mouth as I let my hand move to your leg, rubbing and pulling at your ass as I try and lift you up, closer to me.*

*becoming more aroused by you, the need for you overtaking me, I grind myself into you, tightening my leg around you, thrusting my tongue against yours, showing you my need. my nails digging into your lower back, pushing your length against me closer*

*the feel of your tongue against mine, driving me to the point where I just want to take you right here and now. pulling my mouth away as I bring in a much needed breath.* Be careful Princess. If you don't watch out I will be taking you right here, in the middle of the dance floor.

*looking deep into your yellow eyes, wondering if part of me doesn't want that. I attack your mouth again and thrust my hips into yours, growling deep in my throat of the others in the room watching us* Maybe we should go into one of those private rooms?

*watching your eyes, knowing that you want this as much as I do. taking your hand and roughly pulling you with me down the one and only hall that we have seen so far. seeing a few more rooms have become occupied since we first took a walk down here, but finding an empty one that had a window in it. roughly pushing you against the wall as I dominate your mouth. My bonding scent releasing into the room, and not caring, just needing to take you. The others that walk by don't even register with me. This is just me and you.*

*groaning as we make our way into the room, my mouth all over yours as my hands begin to unbutton the rest of your shirt. After I remove it, I run my hands over your chest & push you back onto the bed. As you lay there, I remove my dress & stand before you, naked my boots still on. I straddle your legs on my knees as I make fast use of my hands on your pants. Licking my lips and breathing heavily needing your thick cock inside my wet pulsating core now.*

*seeing you standing before me, naked except for your boots. growling loudly as I take you to the 'bed' that is in the room. it is more like a flat, cushioned, futon type bed. sitting down as I make sure all my cloths are removed and I pull your body to mine. kissing you as I lay down as put your body above mine, making you sit on top of me. Wanting to see you ride me, wanting to see all parts of you.*

*climbing on top of you, lowering myself over your cock, screaming out at the contact as you fill me, arching my back as I glide down your length. Pumping myself up and down on you, yelling your name at the feel of you sliding in and out of me*

*roughly grabbing your hips as I let you have free reign over my cock. letting you move and grind in whichever way you want. I just watch. as I try and keep my own release from spilling over.*

*riding you hard and fast, wondering if anyone is watching, but not really caring as my desire for you overtakes me. I claw at your chest as I grind myself against you, the heat rising between my legs urging me to be faster, harder* Unh, Z!

*hearing you move it brings my eyes back up to your face, watching you as I catch some movement out of the corner of my eye and seeing a couple watching us as others slowly walk past. I quickly turn back to you as I keep my eyes on you. not sure how you would like someone actually watching us. but my body get heated at the sight of someone watching and a strong heat wave comes out of me, increasing the temperature in the room.*

*feeling the temperature increase in the room, sweat forms on my brow. Rotating my hips one way then another, feeling your cock go deep, my core begins to tighten around you. Digging my nails into your chest, I let out a moan* Oh god, Z...I'm....*panting hard as I grind myself against you*

*feeling your walls clench and start pulling at me as you continue to move slow and steady against my pelvis. reaching up as I take your shoulders and pull them down to me as I find your mouth, kissing you deeply and showing you how much you turn me on. my own release is right at the edge, and a few more movements and I am done for.*

*running my tongue over your lips as I kiss you, my core pushing and pulling your sex, the friction against my clit sending me into spasm as I slow my center, allowing myself to soak your length. Moaning into your lips at the feel of the shutters and pulses.*

*feeling you come hard above me, I hold you close. my arms tightly wrapping around you as I bend my legs and thrust into you. feeling my own release starting to build, and fast. groaning loudly into your mouth as I bury myself in you and effectively fill you with everything I have.*

*although already on top of you, I collapse, my body sated. Kissing you deeply as I run my hands over your head. Then burrowing my forehead into your neck, trying to slow my breath* Damn...that *popping my head up, remembering where we are and looking behind us, seeing a few sets of eyes then turning back to you* Think we put on a good show? *smirking as I pepper your lips with kisses*

*my eyes never leaving yours as I kiss you again.* Yes, I guess we did put on a good show. *rubbing your back as I quickly pull myself out of you.* we should probably get out so someone else can use this room. *smirking more at the thought of others watching us as. Seeing you agree, I sit up as you get off the bed and start putting your cloths back on. I start to do the same. not caring how I look at this point. Too sated to care.*

*straightening out my dress as I help you correct the buttons on your shirt, chuckling at you as we walk out of the door. I start down the hall when I feel you tug at my hand in the other direction. I turn to look at you and point the way I was walking* Babe, this is the way out of this hall I am pretty sure.

*seeing you go the other way, I pull on your hand.* How about we try this. just to look around. see what is so important. *angling my head to the 'no cloths beyond this point' sign.* what do you say? *pulling your body to me* You want to be brave?

*smirking at you, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through me* Yeah, let's do it. *angling my head up to kiss you before I make my way through the 'female locker room' door* See you in a minute? *licking my lips then nibbling on my bottom one*

*smirking as I nod, grabbing at your ass as you walk into the locker room to disrobe.*

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