Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tweets 32

Zsadist: *waking to the pleasurable feel of my female in my arms, but also mixed with the undeniable pain in my mouth and the burn in my throat. my fangs already elongated and throbbing as I try my best to remove my hand from under your head. sitting on the edge of the kind size bed, my feet on the floor but my head pounding. My body wanting to turn and surge toward my female and take every ounce of blood I can. Standing up, trying my hardest not to stir you from your sleep, I walk to the bathroom. Pacing and shaking my hands, trying to calm myself. Getting no where with it, even more frustrated the painful throbbing doesn't even begin to slow.*

Payne: *feeling you stir & the bed move, suddenly feeling a chill from your absence, I watch you head to the bathroom. Sensing something is off, I lift my head from the pillow and adjust the blankets around me. The dryness of my throat undeniable as I try to clear it to call out to you* Babe? You okay? *my voice harsh and husky as I clear my throat again, swallowing hard to dry and ease the desert that has developed.* Zsadist?

Zsadist: *my ears buzzing from the pain and the need to feet. Sitting on the side of the tub, I hear you calling out for me. Taking deep breaths as I try and calm myself. knowing I can beat this, I stand and walk back into the bedroom. Seeing your still sleepy eyes and my lower half already coming to attention for you.* Go back to sleep, Princess. Its nothing. Just can't sleep.

Payne: *licking my dry lips as my body responds to the sight of you, my fangs beginning to elongate, the need to feed becoming apparent. Not able to ascertain what is going on with you, I pat the bed next to me. My voice still harsh and husky* Come here babe. *smirking*

Zsadist: *shaking my head* I need to stay away. *practically panting as the pain keeps effecting me.* You need your rest and I need... *shaking my head as I try and swallow. my eyes staying locked on your neck, watching the pulse go through your veins.*

Payne: *hearing your words, seeing your eyes fixated on my neck, I get up on my knees, letting the blankets fall away from me, exposing all of me to you. I reach out and grab your wrist and pull you toward the bed* I need you too Z.

Zsadist: *feeling your hands on me, I cant stop. I practically jump on the bed. pinning you down with my own body as the animalistic need for your blood takes over. I wrap my arms around you and quickly turn over. I don't want you to feel like I am taking you, I want to know that if I need to stop, I will. Sitting on the middle of the bed with my female's legs wrapped around me, my now fully aroused cock needing and wanting attention but my other bodily needs taking priority. * Are you sure? You need blood too. *my head lowering to your shoulder as I lick your neck. my body calling out to strike at you, but I slow myself.*

Payne: *licking up the column of your neck; your scent, your pulse causing my fangs to elongate more. I slide myself onto your thick shaft as I angle my head* Take from me Z *groaning as your cock fills me, wrapping my arms around you, our entire bodies meeting as one*

Zsadist: *feeling your core sliding around me, tightening and pulling at me, I growl. Having my cock very satisfied I open my mouth and strike at your neck. feeling my fangs peircing your jugular, the sweet taste of your blood hitting my mouth. I grab your head in my hands, angling your head into the nook of my neck as I keep pulling at you. Bringing all your blood into my mouth. moaning against you as I swallow all you are giving me.*

Payne: *striking your vein as I am uanble to hold back, the sweet taste of your blood saturates my mouth. A moan escapes my throat as my hips grind against yours. Pulling you in deeper by the throat, at my center, with my arms wrapped around you, feeling our connection in every way possible.*

Zsadist: *the multiple pulls on your neck starts to ease the burn in my chest as my hips start moving against yours. With the feel of your own fangs in my neck I almost come right then and there. Pressing your head closer to me, begging you with actions, that I want you to take as much as you need. my cock jumping inside you as the already increased arousal. Bonding scent releases from me in waves, filling the room in every possible square inch as I brand you as mine forever.*

Payne: *my mouth becoming more moist as the bloodlust subsides a bit and I am able to feel your cock inside me. Sucking in your blood as I rock with you, the intensity between my thighs increasing with every pull at your throat. Moving my hips faster as my nose registers your bonding scent. My fingertips holding onto your shoulder blades tightly as I float higher and higher in ecstacy*

Zsadist: *feeling full I pull my fangs away but they stay elongated. I move my hands from your head down to your ass. Grabbing at you I grind my pelvis against yours. the heat and frictions hitting me hard as I keep moving. Needing to fill you with all of me, to show every male that you are taken. Licking up any drops of blood from your neck as I seal the wound closed and leave little kisses against your neck.*

Payne: *feeling your absence at my neck, I retreat from yours, licking the wounds and then around your jaw to your lips. moving my hands up to your shoulders, holding them as I begin to move up and down your length, increasing then decreasing the speed and thrust, moaning deep from my chest. my core tightening around you harder and harder, preparing its release*

Zsadist: *your core tightening around me. your movements causing me to throw my head back and growl. Gripping your hips, I thrust your body down harder on me. Angling your head up as I take your mouth with mine. Kissing you deeply, our tongues wrestling each other for dominance. my own finish pushing its self to the edge. begging to be released. Murmuring against your mouth.* Payne... I cant... hold.

Payne: *growling out a Now! as my entire body shakes and shutters around you, feeling you release into me sets off my own spasms, one after another as I hold onto you tightly, tucking my head to your shoulder as I continue to ride you, riding out the pleasure consumed by us both. Panting heavily as I lick my lips. My entire being sated all from you*

Zsadist: *the quakes of your core allow me to release mine and all out your name in the process. my body shaking and jolting as I wrap myself around you. slowly coming down from the high of feeding and then the high of another amazing orgasm. trying to talk over breathy pants.* I... you... Fuck. *giving up as I lay my head on let my back fall onto the mattress. Bringing your body with me.*

Payne: *grinning as I know exactly how you feel. snuggling against you as I breathe deep, breathe you in deep, never wanting to lose this....between us. Running my hand over your head and down the back of your neck to your collarbone. Feeling your skin heat up under my touch. Peppering your jaw with kisses unable to find the words also*

Payne: *eyeing the big beautiful bathroom and all the dirty things I want to do to you in there* I think we should get cleaned up *smirking at you with a wink*

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tweets 31

Zsadist: *seeing the 3 guys walking up to us, while we are outside Trapeze. Having just sent a text to my driver, knowing it will take at least 30 minutes before he is here. Seeing the 3 guys reaching into their pockets while making a comment about Payne. Rolling my eyes at the immaturity of humans. They have no idea who they are messing with. Calling out to them* Hey, we don't want any trouble tonight.

Payne: *seeing the 3 guys coming closer, the adrenaline starts pumping through my veins, slightly surprised these idiots don't back down if you size us all up. The one asshole makes another comment to Z about getting a piece of his woman and comes closer to me. I let out a low growl, my brows furrowing together in rage*

Zsadist: *hearing your growl, I am right there with you. That comment was out of line, and I know these guys aren't playing around. *nudging you as I whisper* You want to take these guys on? *they walk closer as I start to calculate the 15 seconds it would take to take them down. Then seeing 2 others come out of the same alley. Calling out to the first 3* oh, your buddies arrived. Now we can have a real party. *looking over at your for confirmation.*

Payne: *feeling your nudge, my insides already fuming for this fight, I simply nod and wink at you as I see the other 2 approaching. As the 5 encircle us, we stand back to back. The mouthy cocksucker saying something about partying with me as they close in around us. As mouth man takes a step, he licks his lips and reaches for my arm. With my other fist, I clock his jaw. He rubs it and turns back to me saying something about liking it rough. As he reaches for me again, stepping closer to me, I can smell his bad aftershave and arousal. Lifting my leg, I draw up my knee fast and hard into his groin. As he grabs himself and doubles over, I ask* Rough enough for you asshole?

Zsadist: *hearing the words behind me as I try and trap down the need to save my female. Reminding myself that she can take care of herself. Once Payne throws the first punch, then all hell breaks loose. I see one guy facing me start to throw out a punch, but I block it while stepping into another guy, and kicking his side. Turning back to the first one, I throw my left fist into his stomach, watching him as he doubles over. All while the third guy tries to step out of the way of the action.*

Payne: *I can see out of the corner of my eye you taking care of a few as another approaches me from the side. Using my stilettoed boot, I put my foot out, right into his stomach, then lift my leg to kick the side of his head. As he goes down with a cry, I can't help but chuckle. I am barely able to say* Stupid humans *when another surprises me with a hand to my throat. I had seen him backing away so I was not prepared for his attack. My hands instinctively go to his wrists, to pry them off my neck. Pulling and clawing as I gasp for breath* With a kick to the kidney, Handsy releases enough for me to move my arms between his and break his hold on my neck. My palm meets his nose, hard and as he falls to his knees, cupping the blood gushing from his face, I am finally able to let out a nervous breath. I spin my head, checking for more fuckwits, when my gaze falls upon Z, handsome and hot and unhurt.*

Zsadist: *my two guys falling to the ground. Once doubled over from the blow to his side, the other knocked out because I happened to hit him a bit hard. My eyes turning to survey my female, that came out of this pretty much unharmed. Then the 3rd guy standing, just watching us.* You want to end up like your friends here? *grabbing Payne's hand as I pull you into the crock of my arm. The guy shakes his head no.* okay then. *looking down at Payne* well, that was quite an ending to our evening. *smirking at you*

Payne: *my heart pounding in my chest as you pull me close to you, seeing your smirk I hungrily wrap my arms around your neck and attack your mouth with mine. My breath ragged as I thrust my tongue between your lips. Eyeing the car pull up, I angle my head toward it as we make our way over to it. Our mouths never stopping their assault. Breaking apart only to get into the car as the driver eyes the sidewalk as you huskily tell him to get us to the hotel fast. Climbing onto your lap, my body fuses into yours as my lips find your neck, my hands clawing at your clothes. My insides unable to get enough of you*

Zsadist: *having you on my lap, it is masking the huge erection from the driver’s eyes. My mouth practically fusing with yours as my hands move over your body. One hand at your back, as my other snakes its way up your leg. Not caring that we are giving the driver a show in the back seat, just needing to touch you. The need to mark you, brand you as mine, overwhelming. We can't get to the hotel fast enough. The car pulling up to the front of the hotel. I groan as I reluctantly pull away from your mouth. Sitting your ass on the seat as I get out. Taking your hand and pulling you with me. Knowing I have the driver for as long as I need, so walking into the hotel, trying to get us to our room before we end up doing it in the middle of the lobby. With the late hour, I call for an elevator. One arrives and we get in, thankful we are alone.* Oh, the thing I have for elevators. *roughly pushing you against the wall of the lift as the door close. Throwing your arms against the wall as my hips press into yours, my cock begging for your core as I rub myself against you. Unsure how my pants button got undone and my shirt was half unbuttoned but when our level arrived I quickly pulled you down the hall to our door.*

Payne: *unaware of our surroundings, not caring as I only want you, to be close to you, to have you inside me. Melting my body into yours, my hands all over you, my nails clawing at your clothes to your skin. Desire and need overtaking every ounce of my being. My breathing hard and fast as we get to our room and the door opens, I rip off your shirt as we get inside, my mouth attacking your neck. needing you naked now, I quickly undo your pants, springing your hardened cock free, as I lift my skirt to expose myself to you, walking you quickly to the couch, my aching soaked core craving your length*

Zsadist: *sitting on the sofa quickly as my naked form calls for yours. You straddle my hips and I quickly thrust my cock into you. Knowing you are already soaking for me. The combined scent of our arousal wafting up to me as grab your head and kiss you, hard. Not even sure where our hands are or where they are going, just focusing on the thrust of my hips to yours. The feel of my cock being pulled by your already tight core. Groaning against your mouth as we move frantically together.*

Payne: *my nails digging into your shoulders as I cry out as you fill me. Pumping myself up and down your length as you thrust into me faster and harder, moving my hips roughly against you as you grab my head and our mouths entwine. The need for you so great, I rip my dress off me, needing your heated skin against mine*

Zsadist: *wrapping my arms around your shoulders as I press our naked bodies to each other. Feeling our skin rubbing against each other as my hands reach up, grabbing your hair and pulling your head back. Exposing your throat to me. Leaning down and licking at you.*

Payne: *moaning loudly at the feel of you at my neck, my back arching causing your thrusts to hit me at a different angle. Taking your hand from my hair and lifting myself off of you, standing you up as I return my mouth to yours, licking and sucking at your lips as we walk into the bathroom. Keeping our bodies close as I turn on the shower. I turn and bend, brushing my ass against your cock as I unzip and remove my boots. Stepping you back into the spray as I run my hands over your wet chest and stomach, falling to my knees as I take your length into my relaxed throat. moaning around you as I suck you hard and deep*

Zsadist: *feeling you taking me in your mouth, my hands instantly go to your head. Holding you as I slowly move my hips in and out of your mouth. Hearing the shower water, I get lost in the feel of your mouth on me. Groaning loudly as I move my hips faster. Your eyes watching mine as I refrain from thrusting my hips all the way down your throat. I let go of your head and step away as I help you to your feet. Taking your hand and walking you into the shower. My overheated body taking advantage of the cold tile as I lean against it, pulling your body against mine.*

Payne: *moving close to you, licking at your neck and nibbling on your ear lobe, raking my nails over your chest. Your cock brushing against me, whispering in your ear, huskily* Take me Z, *stepping aside you, pulling you in front of me, my back against the shower, lifting one foot to the seat in the corner, exposing my throbbing center to you, it begging for you again*
Zsadist: *hearing you begging for me, I growl deep in my throat* It would be my fucking pleasure to take you. *grabbing your leg in my hand as I spread your legs wide. With your back against the wall, I move you up to my waist, thrusting my cock into you as I start grinding against you. Thankful to have the wall holding us together as my hips are allowed to pound into you, rough and fast.*

Payne: *digging my nails into your back as you thrust into me, looking hungrily into your eyes as the pounding makes me scream out. Moving my hips in unison with yours, pulling you deeper inside, raking my nails up and down your spine, stopping at your ass to hold you against me* More Zsadist more, god please.

Zsadist: *thrusting faster, my cock meeting yours with every thrust as I sink deeper and deeper into you. Your own core pulling at me, begging me to not leave its home. Moving inside you as I grind against you. feeling my own arousal pushing to the surface as I grip at your hips. Burying myself in you, I can't hold back anymore, I lose myself in you.*

Payne: *moaning against your neck as you shutter inside me causing my own walls to respond as I undulate beneath you. My hands holding you tight as my release is felt from head to toe. Burying my head into your chest as I breathe deep, the aftershocks rippling through me*

Zsadist: *slowly removing myself from you as I check to see if you can stand on your own. Shutting the water off as I taking you in my arms and carrying you to the bed. Placing you down on the sheets as I slide in next to you. Wrapping my arms around you as I kiss you*

Payne: *nuzzling into and against you as I feel the warmth of you and the bed. Noting the time, I know the sun is coming up soon as I kiss you, the emotional toll of the night overtaking me as I drift easily to sleep, feeling safe and sated in your arms*

Tweets 30

Payne: *after undressing in the locker room, I wrap myself in a towel and make my way through the door. As I open it, I notice this area is very open with a pool and a few hot tubs. There are couches and chairs set up in the open expansive space. And there are many people, with little or no clothes on. I quickly scan for Z when I spot his large muscular torso, hovering near the bar. I am suddenly overwhelmed with desire as I take in his nearly naked form. I make my way to him and eye him hungrily. Growling low, I joke at our matching towels* We match babe. *nibbling on my bottom lip after licking it seductively*

Zsadist: *walking into the room, instantly looking for you. Ignoring the room and everyone in it until my eyes land on you. my cock coming to attention at the feel of a slight arousal. Groaning at the site of your towel as I walk up to you. Smirking at your comment. my eyes looking over the room. as I see naked bodies everywhere. Some just touching and looking, other full on involved in sex. My head quickly turning to you as a slight possessive bonding scent leaves me. Wrapping my arms around you as I kiss you*

Payne: *kissing you back with fervor, getting lost in the passion between us, moaning into your mouth as I wrap my arms around you, gripping your shoulder blades with my fingertips*

Zsadist: *my arms tightening its hold on you as my entire body hardens for you. Growling against your mouth as I back you into the closest chaise lounge. Sitting you down as I lower myself to my knees, my lips still locked with yours as I tug at your towel, effectively exposing you to the other people in the room.*

Payne: *the towel falling from my body as I reach for your towel, my arousal and desire for you overpowering any concern I had. My mouth moving in tandem with yours as my pulse quickens*

Zsadist: *my hands grabbing your hips, pulling your roughly as I pull your hips to the edge of the chair. My cock right at the opening of your center. Slowly thrusting my hips into you. The people around us just a dull noise in the back of my mind as my mouth keeps devouring you.*

Payne: *wrapping my calves around the back of yours as I my hands find your ass, crying out softly as you enter my aching core, my chest heaving against yours as our bodies meet and connect. The heat building oblivious to the others in the room*

Zsadist: *thrusting inside you. My cock filling you to the maximum amount as I push and pull. Your walls conforming around me, the pleasure already starting to build with each thrust. My tongue playing with yours as I hold your back to me, with one hand, and rub your leg with my other hand.*

Payne: *moving my hips in rhythm with you, my skin blushing all over at the feel of you enveloping me, my core beginning to react to your thrusts, digging my fingers into your skin, I break our lips apart for a deep breath, holding my forehead to yours as our centers continue to move together and I moan your name softly*

Zsadist: *my arousal increasing as I feel all the deepest parts of you. My fangs starting to tingle as I know I have to stop the possible elongation. That is the last thing we need, to have my fangs show up in the middle of a human club. But having you so close, smelling you, feeling your heart beat, hearing your blood rushing through you. I thrust my hips deeply inside you; wrap my arms tightly keeping your chest pressed against mine as I stand. My length still inside you as I walk us to the bigger sofa/bed lounges. Sitting on the edge as I look to the right. Another couple is having sex right next to us. The image before me causes my cock to jump in excitement. Groaning as I look back at you.*

Payne: *sitting on top of you on the bigger sofa sends your cock even deeper inside of me. I cry out softly at the feel as I follow your eyes to the couple next to us. Pushing on your shoulders to push you back flat on the couch, I growl and see you look back at me as I look deep into your eyes* You wanna watch babe? *throwing my head back as I claw at your chest, riding you hard and fast, friction beginning to heat up on my clit*

Zsadist: *groaning out loud as you comment about where my eyes were. the act of watching someone else is beyond anything I dreamed of, sitting back up as I wrap my arms around you, your hips grinding into mine.* All I want is you. *feeling your wetness spreading against my groin as I let my hands roam over you, only to stop at your ass, squeeze it, hard, and help thrust your hips harder against mine.*

Payne: *grinding myself against you harder as you thrust into me. My nails trailing up your chest to your shoulders, gripping them tightly then using my knees to ride up your length then slamming my hips to yours as my wetness coats you. Arching my back, allowing my head to fall back and my hair pools between your feet*

Zsadist: *Seeing your arched body in front of me, I let my free hand move from your shoulder, down your stomach, and to your hips where my fingers slide in between us and play with your clit. Slowly stroking you as I keep letting you ride me.*

Payne: *feeling eyes on me, I turn my head and see the couple next to us watching. feeling your fingers move down my body, I moan a bit louder, sitting back up as I take your ear lobe between my teeth, grinding myself against you again* We are being watched. Make me come Z.

Zsadist: *my eyes moving over to a couple sitting across from us that were watching intently. Groaning as I bring your chest against mine. My hand still between your legs as our skin rubs against each other. Locking your lips with mine as I hold back the building need for release. Feeling you start to tighten around me, I know It will be all over soon.*

Payne: *nibbling at your tongue and lips as I run my nails over your shoulders and down your back. I start to move up and down the rock hard cock inside me, my insides beginning to tighten around it as my breath pants against your mouth. As I begin to release around you, I remove my mouth from yours and moan loudly, milking your length. I turn my head to see others watching us unravel together*

Zsadist: *your center bringing me to release as I burry myself in you. Letting myself feel every part of your own orgasm. Nuzzling my head in your neck as I ache to taste your blood, but knowing that will have to wait till later. My bonding scent slowly seeping out of me. My breath heavy and labored as I slowly come down from my high. Instantly realizing what we just did and smirking at you.* I hope you aren't shy, Princess. *my eyes scanning a few people that still had their eyes on us.* because we seemed to be a main attraction.

Payne: *running my hands all over you, unable to get enough, my lips finding yours as I kiss you softly and blush briefly and shrug my shoulders, my eyes scanning the room* We're hot. *kissing you again* Well, you make me hot.*returning my diamond eyes to your yellow ones* But I am ready for some alone time, Sir *winking at you as I pepper your lips with my kisses*

Zsadist: *groaning at the fact you called me Sir. Knowing the playroom is going to need some attention, and soon. Picking you up and off of me as I go to retrieve our towels. Wrapping yours around you as I secure mine.* Lets head out then. There is a cab waiting for us taking your hand as I lead us to the same doors we came out of. Kissing your forehead.* Get dressed. I will wait for you.

Payne: *retrieving my clothes in the locker room and getting dressed then making my way to the hallway, seeing you waiting for me. I stalk my way over to you, eyeing you up and down, feeling so lucky you are mine. Taking your hand in mine, I tuck myself into you. As we make our way out of the club, I look up at you from under my lashes* This was *blushing slightly* fun. I love you babe.

Zsadist: *as we walk to the door, I smirk and Kiss your forehead once more.* It was fun. And I love you just as much as you do. *angling your head to look at me.* Maybe more. *kissing your lips as we approach the door. Getting lost in the moment with you as I kick the door open just as we break the kiss. The cold night air rushing in as I pull you tighter to me.*

Payne: *shivering slightly as I get closer to you, and taking note of a strange scent in the air. My eyes wander to the street* Z, there is no cab here? Is it on the way? *taking a deep breath through my nose as the scent becomes stronger* Do you smell that?

Zsadist: *pulling out my phone to call the driver and the car that will be taking us back to the hotel. Looking down at you, and then breathing in deep. Smelling humans. a few of them, and close. Knowing humans lurking outside of part of town like this isn't good news for us. Nodding to you as my eyes scan the alleyways. Seeing the humans before they see us. Nudging you.* I think we are going to have company soon. *not wanting to get into a 'situation' but knowing the car is about 30 minutes away at best.*

Payne: *making eye contact with one of the three males coming toward us as he nudges the other and makes some comment about me being a pretty little lady. Hearing you growl, I instinctively prepare to protect myself and my mate*