Thursday, December 29, 2011

The End.....

*faintly, from the back of the room, I could hear brother mine calling my name. In a panic, I run from the playroom to the kitchen* Vishous? V? Is that you? *I could hear him closer now, telling me he was there and to open my eyes. I was eyes were open. I could see mine and Z’s penthouse - the kitchen, the living clothes on the floor in the hallway to the playroom. There was a light in the foyer, burning brightly. I slowly went toward it. I called out for Z but there was no response. My heart began to race as the light got brighter and brighter* Z? Z?! Are you here? *still no answer. As I got closer and closer to the light, I yelled more and more loudly* Zsadist! Z? Please answer me! Zsadist! *I could feel a hand on my shoulder as I stared down at the beautiful engagement ring on my finger, catching the light and sparkling brightly. Something was shaking me and the light gave way to my brother’s diamond eyes staring at me. I blinked, my eyes trying to register to my brain what I was seeing and hearing.* Payne, sister mine. I am here. It’s okay. *his hand ran over my now naked hand. I tried to speak but my throat was dry. The room came into view. The bright light was above me and I was laying on some sort of bed. Vishous’s mate, Jane, was to my right, checking a big screen that was full of numbers. I blinked harder and grabbed V’s hand and I whispered* V? Where am I? *Vishous looked up to another person in the room, a dark haired man wearing blue scrubs. He was explaining that some amnesia was normal and I would remember soon. Vishous’s eyes met mine* Payne, you broke your back in a spar with Zsadist. Dr. Manello and Jane did surgery. You are in the PT suite, recovering. *hearing his words but remembering nothing, I pulled him closer* Where is Zsadist? *Vishous pulled back with a growl and looked at Jane, then back at me.* He won’t hurt you again Payne. He feels terrible about what happened. It was an accident. *my brow furrowed as the door opened and Z entered the room, apparently coming from a workout-wearing no shirt, his skin in a sheen of sweat, his muscles taut. My breath hitched as Vishous grabbed my hand and stood over me protectively. He growled. I could hear that sweet voice of my lover tell V he heard I was awake and wondered how I was. The dark haired healer answered, stepping between my brother and my lover, stating time will tell. As Z nodded,our eyes met briefly, yet he did not look at me the same. His eyes were not full of love; they were cold. He then turned out the door and I could see carved into his back the words: Bella and Nalla. Tears began to well up in my eyes. What had happened? Was it all a dream? All a figment of my imagination? There was no penthouse, no playroom, plans to be made? Tears spilled over as the door closed behind Z......the man I never really gave my heart to. Yet the pain I was feeling inside made it seem real. I wanted to call out to him but my breaking heart could not muster the words. The doctor came over and pushed Vishous out of the way. As his face came in closer, I could smell his delicious scent. His voice was that of an angel, his eyes full of care and concern and my heart slowly began to flutter back to life.* Payne, are you hurting? You are crying. Point to where it hurts. *I shook my head and took his hand in mine. A shock went through both of us as I smiled small and whispered a simple ‘thank you’. His return smile warmed my insides as I looked to the closed door and then back to my healer*

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tweets 34

Zsadist: *groggily opening my eyes as the alarm goes off, curled next to Payne, I kiss her forehead and gently stroke her back. Groaning as the idea of going back to Caldwell and real life floods my thoughts. Shaking her slightly, whispering in her ear* Princess, come on, wake up. Sun is down and we have a plane to catch*

Payne: *inhaling deeply Z's scent as I feel his warm lips on my forehead and his breath in my ear. I hear his groan and mimic it as he mentions getting on the plane. Keeping my eyes closed, I lift my head to kiss his lips. Opening my eyes to meet his big yellow ones, whining slightly* Do we have to babe? Can't we stay here forever?

Zsadist: *kissing your lips, then moving mine to your cheek* I wish we could stay too. But Wrath will have my ass if I don't get back on rotation. *glancing up at the ceiling, thoughts of being back in our playroom again causing me to smile* What if I promise you we will come back? *moving my lips to your forehead, the tip of your nose while I swat at your ass* Now come on. Get your stuff packed.

Payne: *smiling at your smile as you hit my ass, wondering if you are thinking about the playroom, sighing loudly and dramatically* Okay as long as you promise. *smirking as I watch you get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Getting up, stretching my naked body, smiling at the wonderful weekend we had. I get dressed and start getting our things together.*

Zsadist: *coming out of the bathroom, seeing my beautiful female dressed and about ready to go, I walk up behind you and wrap my arms around your waist, my lips finding your neck* You are so fucking beautiful. I can't wait to make you my wife.

*surprised at your words, I spin around in your arms, cocking my eyebrow as a wide grin forms on my face* Really? I figured you would want to wait?

Zsadist: *smirking and cocking my eyebrow at you* Why would I want to wait? You are amazing and we make a great team. *kissing your lips* I want you to be mine......all mine.

Payne: *smiling as I grab your ass and kiss you hard* That is true. But I am yours. Always babe.

Zsadist: *nodding as I release my arms from you, feeling my cock twitch as you grab my ass, knowing if you get me started, we will never leave Atlanta.* Yeah, I know...but you know what I mean....*shaking my head not knowing how to word this right* Are you ready to go?

*shaking my head, smiling, knowing exactly what you mean* Yes, I think so. But for the record, I don't want to go. *making a dramatic pouty face*

Zsadist: *kisses your pouty lips and nibbles on them slightly then grabbing the bag from you with one hand and taking your hand in my other* I promised we will come back.....I meant it.

Payne: *nods as you lead me to the elevator to the check out desk. As you take care of business, I take one last look around. Then take your hand as we head out the front door to the waiting car. Curling into your side as we ride to the airport, leaning my cheek on your shoulder* I had a wonderful time Z. Thank you for bringing me here.

Zsadist: *kissing the top of your head* Me too Princess, me too. Glancing out the window as we arrive at the airport, seeing the jet is ready to go. Taking your hand and guiding you from the car, keeping you close to me as we board the plane and get strapped in. Nodding to the pilot we are ready to go* You ready to head home Princess?

*smiling softly as I grip your hand, still uneasy about this whole flying thing* As long as you are with me, I am ready for anything. *turning my head to watch out the window as the plane takes off. Seeing the lights of Atlanta fade from view as we climb higher and get closer to home*

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tweets 33

Payne: *unable to sleep, my mind racing over the intensity of the night's events - the unbelievably hot public sex, the shock that Z was so amenable to it, then the fight outside the club and the feeding after - the adrenaline still racing through me, I slip out of Z's arms, his deep breathing letting me know he is out cold and walk my naked body to the bathroom. Eyeing the jacuzzi tub in the bathroom, I turn on the water, more hot than cold and add some of the bubble bath provided by the hotel. Slipping in, I begin to feel relaxed immediately grateful for the size of the tub, allowing my entire body to be covered by bubbles. Closing my eyes, I inhale the wonderful soothing scent of jasmine that is enveloping me and breathe deeply*

Zsadist: *feeling the absence of Payne, I roll over and feel the empty bed. Startled, I sit up quickly, adjusting my eyes to my surroundings and note a dim light coming from under the door of the bathroom. Quietly making my way over, I open the door slightly and see my beautiful Princess surrounded by bubbles, relaxing in the tub. I stand, watching for several long moments, her beauty and strength mesmerizing me.*

Payne: *as I relax, I think about our time at the club and allow my hand to roam my body, remembering how Z touched me and how he still turns me on with his smirk, his laugh, his strong arms. A moan escapes my lips as I find my center and begin to touch myself, fantasizing about my mate, his muscular body sprawled out in the bed outside the bathroom door*

Zsadist: *my eyes widening as I hear Payne moan, unable to see what she is doing under the bubbles, but my cock knowing as her face expresses her pleasure. I push the door open more and step inside the warm bathroom, smirking slightly at the thought of her pleasing herself, my cock responding and begging to be apart of the action. I get on my knees next to the tub and whisper in her ear* Do you need some help with that Princess? *my voice husky as I reach into the tub and place my hand on hers at the junction of her legs*

Payne: *jerking slightly at the surprise of Z's voice, my eyes meeting his then slowly closing at the feel of his hand on mine. I grasp his and tug, my voice breathless* Join me babe?

Zsadist: *pushing her forward slightly, I slip into the tub behind her* It would be my pleasure. *pulling her back to my chest, my legs enveloping hers as my hand returns to core. Softly and gently, I play with her, my other hand slipping up her side to her breast, massaging it with equal softness. Her whimpers encourage me as my cock hardens even more against her back*

Payne: *the wet of the water and the softness of his hands driving me insane as I feel him getting harder behind me. I lift my legs slightly out of the water to allow his fingers to slip inside. Guiding him with my own hand as my hips respond, pulling him in deeper*

Zsadist: *groaning with need for more of her as she responds to me, I remove my hand from her breast and pull the plug to allow the water to drain from the tub. Hearing her groan at the loss, I silently chuckle and lean forward to turn on the shower. Pushing myself up to standing, I take her hand and stand her upright, the shower hitting her body and spraying the bubble off of her. Immediately, my eyes roam over her tight body and my hands follow. Unable to get enough of her, I get on my knees and lift one of her legs over my shoulder. The sweet scent of her arousal intoxicates me and I bury myself into her core. Licking and sucking, needing to taste her as my hands continue to roam her leg and her hip.*

Payne: *responding to his touch, his tongue as the water sprays over me. My back arching against the tile as the warm water pelts my breasts. The feel of his tongue invading sending shockwaves through me. Moans escape my lips as I run my hand over my body to his head encouraging him as my hips draw him in more.* Z....oh god, Z.

Zsadist: *my eyes lifting upward to watch her responses, driving me to take her over the edge, moving my tongue in and out, flicking at her clit. Beginning to feel her tighten around me as she claws at the back of my head, I move harder and faster and taste her come undone around me. Her hands find my jaw and lift me upward, straight to her mouth. I kiss her intensely as I take her arms above her head, holding both wrists in one hand as I guide her leg around my ass, my cock begging for entrance*

Payne: *meeting his yellow eyes as my lips assault his again, the taste of me all around him as he plunges inside, the water spraying against his back as my hips meet his. At first he is fast and hard, but then he pins my hips against the tile with his and he grinds against me. Releasing my mouth from his as I moan loudly at the intense feel. Working my hips against his, the friction causing such pleasure. My head falls back against the tile as Z begins assaulting my neck* Z....Z.....please.

Zsadist: *hearing her beg, I know she is near as am I. Swirling my hips and plunging deeply into her, I put my forehead to hers as I release, my cock twitching uncontrollably as she releases again with me. Panting as lean against her, the water pulsating against my back*

Payne: *as he releases my arms, I cling to him, unsure my legs will hold me upright. as he turns off the water, he grabs a towel and lifts me, carrying me to the bed*

Zsadist: *seeing her eyes get drowsy as I dry her off and then myself. I smirk as I slide into bed next to her, pulling her to me and covering us with the blankets* Think you can sleep now Princess?

Payne: *suddenly very drowsy, I curl into him and simply nod, my eyes closing on their own as I fall deeply asleep*

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tweets 32

Zsadist: *waking to the pleasurable feel of my female in my arms, but also mixed with the undeniable pain in my mouth and the burn in my throat. my fangs already elongated and throbbing as I try my best to remove my hand from under your head. sitting on the edge of the kind size bed, my feet on the floor but my head pounding. My body wanting to turn and surge toward my female and take every ounce of blood I can. Standing up, trying my hardest not to stir you from your sleep, I walk to the bathroom. Pacing and shaking my hands, trying to calm myself. Getting no where with it, even more frustrated the painful throbbing doesn't even begin to slow.*

Payne: *feeling you stir & the bed move, suddenly feeling a chill from your absence, I watch you head to the bathroom. Sensing something is off, I lift my head from the pillow and adjust the blankets around me. The dryness of my throat undeniable as I try to clear it to call out to you* Babe? You okay? *my voice harsh and husky as I clear my throat again, swallowing hard to dry and ease the desert that has developed.* Zsadist?

Zsadist: *my ears buzzing from the pain and the need to feet. Sitting on the side of the tub, I hear you calling out for me. Taking deep breaths as I try and calm myself. knowing I can beat this, I stand and walk back into the bedroom. Seeing your still sleepy eyes and my lower half already coming to attention for you.* Go back to sleep, Princess. Its nothing. Just can't sleep.

Payne: *licking my dry lips as my body responds to the sight of you, my fangs beginning to elongate, the need to feed becoming apparent. Not able to ascertain what is going on with you, I pat the bed next to me. My voice still harsh and husky* Come here babe. *smirking*

Zsadist: *shaking my head* I need to stay away. *practically panting as the pain keeps effecting me.* You need your rest and I need... *shaking my head as I try and swallow. my eyes staying locked on your neck, watching the pulse go through your veins.*

Payne: *hearing your words, seeing your eyes fixated on my neck, I get up on my knees, letting the blankets fall away from me, exposing all of me to you. I reach out and grab your wrist and pull you toward the bed* I need you too Z.

Zsadist: *feeling your hands on me, I cant stop. I practically jump on the bed. pinning you down with my own body as the animalistic need for your blood takes over. I wrap my arms around you and quickly turn over. I don't want you to feel like I am taking you, I want to know that if I need to stop, I will. Sitting on the middle of the bed with my female's legs wrapped around me, my now fully aroused cock needing and wanting attention but my other bodily needs taking priority. * Are you sure? You need blood too. *my head lowering to your shoulder as I lick your neck. my body calling out to strike at you, but I slow myself.*

Payne: *licking up the column of your neck; your scent, your pulse causing my fangs to elongate more. I slide myself onto your thick shaft as I angle my head* Take from me Z *groaning as your cock fills me, wrapping my arms around you, our entire bodies meeting as one*

Zsadist: *feeling your core sliding around me, tightening and pulling at me, I growl. Having my cock very satisfied I open my mouth and strike at your neck. feeling my fangs peircing your jugular, the sweet taste of your blood hitting my mouth. I grab your head in my hands, angling your head into the nook of my neck as I keep pulling at you. Bringing all your blood into my mouth. moaning against you as I swallow all you are giving me.*

Payne: *striking your vein as I am uanble to hold back, the sweet taste of your blood saturates my mouth. A moan escapes my throat as my hips grind against yours. Pulling you in deeper by the throat, at my center, with my arms wrapped around you, feeling our connection in every way possible.*

Zsadist: *the multiple pulls on your neck starts to ease the burn in my chest as my hips start moving against yours. With the feel of your own fangs in my neck I almost come right then and there. Pressing your head closer to me, begging you with actions, that I want you to take as much as you need. my cock jumping inside you as the already increased arousal. Bonding scent releases from me in waves, filling the room in every possible square inch as I brand you as mine forever.*

Payne: *my mouth becoming more moist as the bloodlust subsides a bit and I am able to feel your cock inside me. Sucking in your blood as I rock with you, the intensity between my thighs increasing with every pull at your throat. Moving my hips faster as my nose registers your bonding scent. My fingertips holding onto your shoulder blades tightly as I float higher and higher in ecstacy*

Zsadist: *feeling full I pull my fangs away but they stay elongated. I move my hands from your head down to your ass. Grabbing at you I grind my pelvis against yours. the heat and frictions hitting me hard as I keep moving. Needing to fill you with all of me, to show every male that you are taken. Licking up any drops of blood from your neck as I seal the wound closed and leave little kisses against your neck.*

Payne: *feeling your absence at my neck, I retreat from yours, licking the wounds and then around your jaw to your lips. moving my hands up to your shoulders, holding them as I begin to move up and down your length, increasing then decreasing the speed and thrust, moaning deep from my chest. my core tightening around you harder and harder, preparing its release*

Zsadist: *your core tightening around me. your movements causing me to throw my head back and growl. Gripping your hips, I thrust your body down harder on me. Angling your head up as I take your mouth with mine. Kissing you deeply, our tongues wrestling each other for dominance. my own finish pushing its self to the edge. begging to be released. Murmuring against your mouth.* Payne... I cant... hold.

Payne: *growling out a Now! as my entire body shakes and shutters around you, feeling you release into me sets off my own spasms, one after another as I hold onto you tightly, tucking my head to your shoulder as I continue to ride you, riding out the pleasure consumed by us both. Panting heavily as I lick my lips. My entire being sated all from you*

Zsadist: *the quakes of your core allow me to release mine and all out your name in the process. my body shaking and jolting as I wrap myself around you. slowly coming down from the high of feeding and then the high of another amazing orgasm. trying to talk over breathy pants.* I... you... Fuck. *giving up as I lay my head on let my back fall onto the mattress. Bringing your body with me.*

Payne: *grinning as I know exactly how you feel. snuggling against you as I breathe deep, breathe you in deep, never wanting to lose this....between us. Running my hand over your head and down the back of your neck to your collarbone. Feeling your skin heat up under my touch. Peppering your jaw with kisses unable to find the words also*

Payne: *eyeing the big beautiful bathroom and all the dirty things I want to do to you in there* I think we should get cleaned up *smirking at you with a wink*

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tweets 31

Zsadist: *seeing the 3 guys walking up to us, while we are outside Trapeze. Having just sent a text to my driver, knowing it will take at least 30 minutes before he is here. Seeing the 3 guys reaching into their pockets while making a comment about Payne. Rolling my eyes at the immaturity of humans. They have no idea who they are messing with. Calling out to them* Hey, we don't want any trouble tonight.

Payne: *seeing the 3 guys coming closer, the adrenaline starts pumping through my veins, slightly surprised these idiots don't back down if you size us all up. The one asshole makes another comment to Z about getting a piece of his woman and comes closer to me. I let out a low growl, my brows furrowing together in rage*

Zsadist: *hearing your growl, I am right there with you. That comment was out of line, and I know these guys aren't playing around. *nudging you as I whisper* You want to take these guys on? *they walk closer as I start to calculate the 15 seconds it would take to take them down. Then seeing 2 others come out of the same alley. Calling out to the first 3* oh, your buddies arrived. Now we can have a real party. *looking over at your for confirmation.*

Payne: *feeling your nudge, my insides already fuming for this fight, I simply nod and wink at you as I see the other 2 approaching. As the 5 encircle us, we stand back to back. The mouthy cocksucker saying something about partying with me as they close in around us. As mouth man takes a step, he licks his lips and reaches for my arm. With my other fist, I clock his jaw. He rubs it and turns back to me saying something about liking it rough. As he reaches for me again, stepping closer to me, I can smell his bad aftershave and arousal. Lifting my leg, I draw up my knee fast and hard into his groin. As he grabs himself and doubles over, I ask* Rough enough for you asshole?

Zsadist: *hearing the words behind me as I try and trap down the need to save my female. Reminding myself that she can take care of herself. Once Payne throws the first punch, then all hell breaks loose. I see one guy facing me start to throw out a punch, but I block it while stepping into another guy, and kicking his side. Turning back to the first one, I throw my left fist into his stomach, watching him as he doubles over. All while the third guy tries to step out of the way of the action.*

Payne: *I can see out of the corner of my eye you taking care of a few as another approaches me from the side. Using my stilettoed boot, I put my foot out, right into his stomach, then lift my leg to kick the side of his head. As he goes down with a cry, I can't help but chuckle. I am barely able to say* Stupid humans *when another surprises me with a hand to my throat. I had seen him backing away so I was not prepared for his attack. My hands instinctively go to his wrists, to pry them off my neck. Pulling and clawing as I gasp for breath* With a kick to the kidney, Handsy releases enough for me to move my arms between his and break his hold on my neck. My palm meets his nose, hard and as he falls to his knees, cupping the blood gushing from his face, I am finally able to let out a nervous breath. I spin my head, checking for more fuckwits, when my gaze falls upon Z, handsome and hot and unhurt.*

Zsadist: *my two guys falling to the ground. Once doubled over from the blow to his side, the other knocked out because I happened to hit him a bit hard. My eyes turning to survey my female, that came out of this pretty much unharmed. Then the 3rd guy standing, just watching us.* You want to end up like your friends here? *grabbing Payne's hand as I pull you into the crock of my arm. The guy shakes his head no.* okay then. *looking down at Payne* well, that was quite an ending to our evening. *smirking at you*

Payne: *my heart pounding in my chest as you pull me close to you, seeing your smirk I hungrily wrap my arms around your neck and attack your mouth with mine. My breath ragged as I thrust my tongue between your lips. Eyeing the car pull up, I angle my head toward it as we make our way over to it. Our mouths never stopping their assault. Breaking apart only to get into the car as the driver eyes the sidewalk as you huskily tell him to get us to the hotel fast. Climbing onto your lap, my body fuses into yours as my lips find your neck, my hands clawing at your clothes. My insides unable to get enough of you*

Zsadist: *having you on my lap, it is masking the huge erection from the driver’s eyes. My mouth practically fusing with yours as my hands move over your body. One hand at your back, as my other snakes its way up your leg. Not caring that we are giving the driver a show in the back seat, just needing to touch you. The need to mark you, brand you as mine, overwhelming. We can't get to the hotel fast enough. The car pulling up to the front of the hotel. I groan as I reluctantly pull away from your mouth. Sitting your ass on the seat as I get out. Taking your hand and pulling you with me. Knowing I have the driver for as long as I need, so walking into the hotel, trying to get us to our room before we end up doing it in the middle of the lobby. With the late hour, I call for an elevator. One arrives and we get in, thankful we are alone.* Oh, the thing I have for elevators. *roughly pushing you against the wall of the lift as the door close. Throwing your arms against the wall as my hips press into yours, my cock begging for your core as I rub myself against you. Unsure how my pants button got undone and my shirt was half unbuttoned but when our level arrived I quickly pulled you down the hall to our door.*

Payne: *unaware of our surroundings, not caring as I only want you, to be close to you, to have you inside me. Melting my body into yours, my hands all over you, my nails clawing at your clothes to your skin. Desire and need overtaking every ounce of my being. My breathing hard and fast as we get to our room and the door opens, I rip off your shirt as we get inside, my mouth attacking your neck. needing you naked now, I quickly undo your pants, springing your hardened cock free, as I lift my skirt to expose myself to you, walking you quickly to the couch, my aching soaked core craving your length*

Zsadist: *sitting on the sofa quickly as my naked form calls for yours. You straddle my hips and I quickly thrust my cock into you. Knowing you are already soaking for me. The combined scent of our arousal wafting up to me as grab your head and kiss you, hard. Not even sure where our hands are or where they are going, just focusing on the thrust of my hips to yours. The feel of my cock being pulled by your already tight core. Groaning against your mouth as we move frantically together.*

Payne: *my nails digging into your shoulders as I cry out as you fill me. Pumping myself up and down your length as you thrust into me faster and harder, moving my hips roughly against you as you grab my head and our mouths entwine. The need for you so great, I rip my dress off me, needing your heated skin against mine*

Zsadist: *wrapping my arms around your shoulders as I press our naked bodies to each other. Feeling our skin rubbing against each other as my hands reach up, grabbing your hair and pulling your head back. Exposing your throat to me. Leaning down and licking at you.*

Payne: *moaning loudly at the feel of you at my neck, my back arching causing your thrusts to hit me at a different angle. Taking your hand from my hair and lifting myself off of you, standing you up as I return my mouth to yours, licking and sucking at your lips as we walk into the bathroom. Keeping our bodies close as I turn on the shower. I turn and bend, brushing my ass against your cock as I unzip and remove my boots. Stepping you back into the spray as I run my hands over your wet chest and stomach, falling to my knees as I take your length into my relaxed throat. moaning around you as I suck you hard and deep*

Zsadist: *feeling you taking me in your mouth, my hands instantly go to your head. Holding you as I slowly move my hips in and out of your mouth. Hearing the shower water, I get lost in the feel of your mouth on me. Groaning loudly as I move my hips faster. Your eyes watching mine as I refrain from thrusting my hips all the way down your throat. I let go of your head and step away as I help you to your feet. Taking your hand and walking you into the shower. My overheated body taking advantage of the cold tile as I lean against it, pulling your body against mine.*

Payne: *moving close to you, licking at your neck and nibbling on your ear lobe, raking my nails over your chest. Your cock brushing against me, whispering in your ear, huskily* Take me Z, *stepping aside you, pulling you in front of me, my back against the shower, lifting one foot to the seat in the corner, exposing my throbbing center to you, it begging for you again*
Zsadist: *hearing you begging for me, I growl deep in my throat* It would be my fucking pleasure to take you. *grabbing your leg in my hand as I spread your legs wide. With your back against the wall, I move you up to my waist, thrusting my cock into you as I start grinding against you. Thankful to have the wall holding us together as my hips are allowed to pound into you, rough and fast.*

Payne: *digging my nails into your back as you thrust into me, looking hungrily into your eyes as the pounding makes me scream out. Moving my hips in unison with yours, pulling you deeper inside, raking my nails up and down your spine, stopping at your ass to hold you against me* More Zsadist more, god please.

Zsadist: *thrusting faster, my cock meeting yours with every thrust as I sink deeper and deeper into you. Your own core pulling at me, begging me to not leave its home. Moving inside you as I grind against you. feeling my own arousal pushing to the surface as I grip at your hips. Burying myself in you, I can't hold back anymore, I lose myself in you.*

Payne: *moaning against your neck as you shutter inside me causing my own walls to respond as I undulate beneath you. My hands holding you tight as my release is felt from head to toe. Burying my head into your chest as I breathe deep, the aftershocks rippling through me*

Zsadist: *slowly removing myself from you as I check to see if you can stand on your own. Shutting the water off as I taking you in my arms and carrying you to the bed. Placing you down on the sheets as I slide in next to you. Wrapping my arms around you as I kiss you*

Payne: *nuzzling into and against you as I feel the warmth of you and the bed. Noting the time, I know the sun is coming up soon as I kiss you, the emotional toll of the night overtaking me as I drift easily to sleep, feeling safe and sated in your arms*

Tweets 30

Payne: *after undressing in the locker room, I wrap myself in a towel and make my way through the door. As I open it, I notice this area is very open with a pool and a few hot tubs. There are couches and chairs set up in the open expansive space. And there are many people, with little or no clothes on. I quickly scan for Z when I spot his large muscular torso, hovering near the bar. I am suddenly overwhelmed with desire as I take in his nearly naked form. I make my way to him and eye him hungrily. Growling low, I joke at our matching towels* We match babe. *nibbling on my bottom lip after licking it seductively*

Zsadist: *walking into the room, instantly looking for you. Ignoring the room and everyone in it until my eyes land on you. my cock coming to attention at the feel of a slight arousal. Groaning at the site of your towel as I walk up to you. Smirking at your comment. my eyes looking over the room. as I see naked bodies everywhere. Some just touching and looking, other full on involved in sex. My head quickly turning to you as a slight possessive bonding scent leaves me. Wrapping my arms around you as I kiss you*

Payne: *kissing you back with fervor, getting lost in the passion between us, moaning into your mouth as I wrap my arms around you, gripping your shoulder blades with my fingertips*

Zsadist: *my arms tightening its hold on you as my entire body hardens for you. Growling against your mouth as I back you into the closest chaise lounge. Sitting you down as I lower myself to my knees, my lips still locked with yours as I tug at your towel, effectively exposing you to the other people in the room.*

Payne: *the towel falling from my body as I reach for your towel, my arousal and desire for you overpowering any concern I had. My mouth moving in tandem with yours as my pulse quickens*

Zsadist: *my hands grabbing your hips, pulling your roughly as I pull your hips to the edge of the chair. My cock right at the opening of your center. Slowly thrusting my hips into you. The people around us just a dull noise in the back of my mind as my mouth keeps devouring you.*

Payne: *wrapping my calves around the back of yours as I my hands find your ass, crying out softly as you enter my aching core, my chest heaving against yours as our bodies meet and connect. The heat building oblivious to the others in the room*

Zsadist: *thrusting inside you. My cock filling you to the maximum amount as I push and pull. Your walls conforming around me, the pleasure already starting to build with each thrust. My tongue playing with yours as I hold your back to me, with one hand, and rub your leg with my other hand.*

Payne: *moving my hips in rhythm with you, my skin blushing all over at the feel of you enveloping me, my core beginning to react to your thrusts, digging my fingers into your skin, I break our lips apart for a deep breath, holding my forehead to yours as our centers continue to move together and I moan your name softly*

Zsadist: *my arousal increasing as I feel all the deepest parts of you. My fangs starting to tingle as I know I have to stop the possible elongation. That is the last thing we need, to have my fangs show up in the middle of a human club. But having you so close, smelling you, feeling your heart beat, hearing your blood rushing through you. I thrust my hips deeply inside you; wrap my arms tightly keeping your chest pressed against mine as I stand. My length still inside you as I walk us to the bigger sofa/bed lounges. Sitting on the edge as I look to the right. Another couple is having sex right next to us. The image before me causes my cock to jump in excitement. Groaning as I look back at you.*

Payne: *sitting on top of you on the bigger sofa sends your cock even deeper inside of me. I cry out softly at the feel as I follow your eyes to the couple next to us. Pushing on your shoulders to push you back flat on the couch, I growl and see you look back at me as I look deep into your eyes* You wanna watch babe? *throwing my head back as I claw at your chest, riding you hard and fast, friction beginning to heat up on my clit*

Zsadist: *groaning out loud as you comment about where my eyes were. the act of watching someone else is beyond anything I dreamed of, sitting back up as I wrap my arms around you, your hips grinding into mine.* All I want is you. *feeling your wetness spreading against my groin as I let my hands roam over you, only to stop at your ass, squeeze it, hard, and help thrust your hips harder against mine.*

Payne: *grinding myself against you harder as you thrust into me. My nails trailing up your chest to your shoulders, gripping them tightly then using my knees to ride up your length then slamming my hips to yours as my wetness coats you. Arching my back, allowing my head to fall back and my hair pools between your feet*

Zsadist: *Seeing your arched body in front of me, I let my free hand move from your shoulder, down your stomach, and to your hips where my fingers slide in between us and play with your clit. Slowly stroking you as I keep letting you ride me.*

Payne: *feeling eyes on me, I turn my head and see the couple next to us watching. feeling your fingers move down my body, I moan a bit louder, sitting back up as I take your ear lobe between my teeth, grinding myself against you again* We are being watched. Make me come Z.

Zsadist: *my eyes moving over to a couple sitting across from us that were watching intently. Groaning as I bring your chest against mine. My hand still between your legs as our skin rubs against each other. Locking your lips with mine as I hold back the building need for release. Feeling you start to tighten around me, I know It will be all over soon.*

Payne: *nibbling at your tongue and lips as I run my nails over your shoulders and down your back. I start to move up and down the rock hard cock inside me, my insides beginning to tighten around it as my breath pants against your mouth. As I begin to release around you, I remove my mouth from yours and moan loudly, milking your length. I turn my head to see others watching us unravel together*

Zsadist: *your center bringing me to release as I burry myself in you. Letting myself feel every part of your own orgasm. Nuzzling my head in your neck as I ache to taste your blood, but knowing that will have to wait till later. My bonding scent slowly seeping out of me. My breath heavy and labored as I slowly come down from my high. Instantly realizing what we just did and smirking at you.* I hope you aren't shy, Princess. *my eyes scanning a few people that still had their eyes on us.* because we seemed to be a main attraction.

Payne: *running my hands all over you, unable to get enough, my lips finding yours as I kiss you softly and blush briefly and shrug my shoulders, my eyes scanning the room* We're hot. *kissing you again* Well, you make me hot.*returning my diamond eyes to your yellow ones* But I am ready for some alone time, Sir *winking at you as I pepper your lips with my kisses*

Zsadist: *groaning at the fact you called me Sir. Knowing the playroom is going to need some attention, and soon. Picking you up and off of me as I go to retrieve our towels. Wrapping yours around you as I secure mine.* Lets head out then. There is a cab waiting for us taking your hand as I lead us to the same doors we came out of. Kissing your forehead.* Get dressed. I will wait for you.

Payne: *retrieving my clothes in the locker room and getting dressed then making my way to the hallway, seeing you waiting for me. I stalk my way over to you, eyeing you up and down, feeling so lucky you are mine. Taking your hand in mine, I tuck myself into you. As we make our way out of the club, I look up at you from under my lashes* This was *blushing slightly* fun. I love you babe.

Zsadist: *as we walk to the door, I smirk and Kiss your forehead once more.* It was fun. And I love you just as much as you do. *angling your head to look at me.* Maybe more. *kissing your lips as we approach the door. Getting lost in the moment with you as I kick the door open just as we break the kiss. The cold night air rushing in as I pull you tighter to me.*

Payne: *shivering slightly as I get closer to you, and taking note of a strange scent in the air. My eyes wander to the street* Z, there is no cab here? Is it on the way? *taking a deep breath through my nose as the scent becomes stronger* Do you smell that?

Zsadist: *pulling out my phone to call the driver and the car that will be taking us back to the hotel. Looking down at you, and then breathing in deep. Smelling humans. a few of them, and close. Knowing humans lurking outside of part of town like this isn't good news for us. Nodding to you as my eyes scan the alleyways. Seeing the humans before they see us. Nudging you.* I think we are going to have company soon. *not wanting to get into a 'situation' but knowing the car is about 30 minutes away at best.*

Payne: *making eye contact with one of the three males coming toward us as he nudges the other and makes some comment about me being a pretty little lady. Hearing you growl, I instinctively prepare to protect myself and my mate*

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tweets 29

Payne: *as we return to our seats, the plane begins to make its descent into Atlanta. I am suddenly nervous and excited and anxious. Taking your hand in mine as the plane stops and we get off. I breathe in a deep breath of the cool night air before getting into the car that's awaiting us*

*getting you into the car and telling the driver to take us to The Westin, downtown. We ride along in silence as you take in all the scenery. Pulling up into the underground parking garage of The Westin someone takes our bags and goes up another elevator as I pull you close to me, nuzzling my head in your hair.* you excited about tonight? *not caring you sees the public display of affection.*

*looking around at the beautiful hotel and smirking at you, holding you close to me* Excited and a little nervous I think. You?

*walking up to the front desk and hand them my ID and my credit card. Keeping you pressed to my side the entire time. The human male quickly shuts his mouth with his whole 'rehearsed speech' and just started typing away on his computer. I let you look around the interior of the hotel as I keep my eyes on you. For it being almost midnight, it is pretty busy inside the hotel. The human quickly passes over two key-cards and points us to the elevators.* First bank of elevators takes you to the top floor, your bags will be waiting inside your room. *I nod to the human and quickly take your hand and pulls you to the elevators. All while the human continues to stare at you. Shaking my head as I quickly get us inside the elevator. Knowing this will be one long ass night if everyone looks at you that way. We stop at our floor and I get us to our door. Opening it with the electronic key that isn't needed when you have the unlocking capabilities that I do. Ushering you inside first I let you take the first assessment of the room. and the view outside our window. *

*taking in all the modern furniture and decor in the lobby with awe, then seeing our room and the breathtaking view* Wow, Z, this is beautiful. Look at downtown Atlanta *pointing out the window, my eyes widen as it seems we can see for miles* I am going to freshen up then, can we go? *smiling wide, unable to hide my enthusiasm as I come to you, wrap my arms around your waist & lean up to kiss your lips*

*growling as I kiss you back. pulling you tightly to me.* Yes, we can go anytime you want. only as long as we are back before sun up because I need to take you in front of these windows. *my lower half coming alive at the thought*

*growling at you, feeling you harden, pushing on your chest* Then let me freshen up please *smirking at you and shaking my ass purposefully as I make my way to the bathroom. I close the door and call out to you* Holy shit! You should see in here! I know where we can be when the sun does come up *chuckling at myself as I put on some of the lip goo that the other shellans have showed me how to use. Running a brush through my long hair and straightening my clothes, I open the door, nervous, but anxious* Ready babe?

*keeping the same pants on as I unbutton the shirt was wearing a little more. not sure how the trip to the club will go, but we will have to see. Smirking at your comment about the bathroom I let my eyes wonder around the room. Until I see you emerge from the bathroom where I smirk at you and then take your hand in mine and pulling you to me* Beautiful. like always. *kissing your cheek as I notice the lip stuff you put on and knowing you wouldn't want me to mess it up.* Ready. Should we go? *walking to the door and opening it for you.*

*smiling at you as we make our way to the lobby and out to an awaiting car. I climb in as you hold the door for me and tell the driver 'the trapeze club'. My heart rate begins to increase as we drive, knowing we are getting closer. I take deep breaths, unsure why I am so damned nervous*

*seeing the driver move through the streets. going from the busy downtown area to a more industrial area and then into a more shady, dangerous area. knowing that we can take care of ourselves no matter what. rotating my leg as I feel my dagger on the back and my glock hidden in the inside of my lower leg. just in case. Arriving to the outside of the club and taking your hand.* Dont worry, princess, we can only stay for as long as you want. when you are ready to go, just let me know. *walking inside the lobby area where the lady gives us a few forms to fill out and I pay and we are let inside. Being worried the inside will look like the outside, I am surprised when it is the complete opposite.* and

*holding your hand tight as we walk into the club, hearing the music pumping loud. Several people are on the dance floor and many-more are on the couches. Not knowing what I expected, but this is like a club. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and relax my grip on your hand a bit. I see mostly couples, some just talking, others dancing, others .... showing lots of affection. But all are dressed nicely and having a good time. Looking up at you, I pull on your hand and lean up to kiss your lips* Should we take a look around?

*nodding as I move my hand from yours and wrap my arm around your lower back, just to make sure no one questions who you belong to.* Yes, lets look. *walking past the sofas and the bar area and the dance floor and some other little corner places with more seating where I see two couples engaged in a very intense make out session. Some with their significant other, and occasionally changing partners. my inner male takes in the view and instantly imagines my female with another. Trying to place my feeling on the subject, I keep walking.*

*checking out the club tucked into you, feeling safe and comfortable, we walk through a hallway and there are windows on either side, pausing at one and taking a look, I see it looks like a bedroom. There is no one inside, just a bed. Walking a little further down the hall, I peek into another window and see a couple having sex. I elbow you and point to the window. I blush as I stand there and watch but am unable to look away. My breathing becomes unsteady and I realize I am getting aroused by this. I look at you and lick my lips, pull on your hand to go further down the hall. We come to a door whose sign reads "No Clothing Beyond This Point" there are arrows pointing in two directions, one to a female locker room & one to a male locker room. I look to you to make the decision if we should go forward or not*

*seeing the sign I instantly get worried and protective. knowing I am not ready to share you just yet. leaning down to your ear I whisper* Tomorrow. *taking your hand as we walk back down the same hallway to the main area. the music gets louder as we get closer to the dance floor. hearing a new song start up, I figure dancing a little will help me adjust to this new place and this new environment. is playing as I take you hand in mine and walk us to the dance floor.*

*letting out a breath of relief, not sure I was ready to go through that door yet needing to release some of this nervous energy hearing the song play, glad you are pulling me to the dance floor. Keeping your hand in mine, I pull you close to me as I begin to move my hips against yours to the music.*

*putting my hands on your hips as you start dancing to the music, I move along with you. all the other people around us fall away as I focus on you. my body moving with yours like we are one person. my head lowering to your shoulder as I start laying kisses against your neck and shoulder. Unable to keep myself away.*

*wrapping my arms around you to bring your body closer to mine, angling my neck to give you more skin, grinding my center into yours, my hands resting on your ass, giving it a squeeze as I pull you closer to me*

*groaning as I feel you controlling my hands. tightening my grip on your ass as my mouth continues to explore your neck and shoulder. Kissing and nipping at you as another song comes on. Not sure what it is, but just moving to the beat as your body grinds against mine. my cock pressing up against you with each swipe of your hip you give me.*

*growling at the feel of your cock hardening against me, pushing my center against you a little more, grabbing at the small of your back as we move together, creating heat between our bodies*

*needing more of you, I lean up slightly and take your face in my hand. Angling your mouth as I bring my mouth down to yours slowly brushing my lips over yours, then deepening the kiss more. Having all the humans moving around us I tone them out as I press your entire body to mine.*

*moaning into your mouth as my tongue slides in between your lips, knowing you can feel the vibration. Becoming lost in you and oblivious to everyone else around us, I hook one leg up & around your waist, your cock at my naked center. I gasp slightly at the feel.*

*having stopped our movement on the dance floor, we are standing, with our bodies practically overtaking each of us. my mouth devouring yours with each swipe of my tongue. Groaning into your mouth as I let my hand move to your leg, rubbing and pulling at your ass as I try and lift you up, closer to me.*

*becoming more aroused by you, the need for you overtaking me, I grind myself into you, tightening my leg around you, thrusting my tongue against yours, showing you my need. my nails digging into your lower back, pushing your length against me closer*

*the feel of your tongue against mine, driving me to the point where I just want to take you right here and now. pulling my mouth away as I bring in a much needed breath.* Be careful Princess. If you don't watch out I will be taking you right here, in the middle of the dance floor.

*looking deep into your yellow eyes, wondering if part of me doesn't want that. I attack your mouth again and thrust my hips into yours, growling deep in my throat of the others in the room watching us* Maybe we should go into one of those private rooms?

*watching your eyes, knowing that you want this as much as I do. taking your hand and roughly pulling you with me down the one and only hall that we have seen so far. seeing a few more rooms have become occupied since we first took a walk down here, but finding an empty one that had a window in it. roughly pushing you against the wall as I dominate your mouth. My bonding scent releasing into the room, and not caring, just needing to take you. The others that walk by don't even register with me. This is just me and you.*

*groaning as we make our way into the room, my mouth all over yours as my hands begin to unbutton the rest of your shirt. After I remove it, I run my hands over your chest & push you back onto the bed. As you lay there, I remove my dress & stand before you, naked my boots still on. I straddle your legs on my knees as I make fast use of my hands on your pants. Licking my lips and breathing heavily needing your thick cock inside my wet pulsating core now.*

*seeing you standing before me, naked except for your boots. growling loudly as I take you to the 'bed' that is in the room. it is more like a flat, cushioned, futon type bed. sitting down as I make sure all my cloths are removed and I pull your body to mine. kissing you as I lay down as put your body above mine, making you sit on top of me. Wanting to see you ride me, wanting to see all parts of you.*

*climbing on top of you, lowering myself over your cock, screaming out at the contact as you fill me, arching my back as I glide down your length. Pumping myself up and down on you, yelling your name at the feel of you sliding in and out of me*

*roughly grabbing your hips as I let you have free reign over my cock. letting you move and grind in whichever way you want. I just watch. as I try and keep my own release from spilling over.*

*riding you hard and fast, wondering if anyone is watching, but not really caring as my desire for you overtakes me. I claw at your chest as I grind myself against you, the heat rising between my legs urging me to be faster, harder* Unh, Z!

*hearing you move it brings my eyes back up to your face, watching you as I catch some movement out of the corner of my eye and seeing a couple watching us as others slowly walk past. I quickly turn back to you as I keep my eyes on you. not sure how you would like someone actually watching us. but my body get heated at the sight of someone watching and a strong heat wave comes out of me, increasing the temperature in the room.*

*feeling the temperature increase in the room, sweat forms on my brow. Rotating my hips one way then another, feeling your cock go deep, my core begins to tighten around you. Digging my nails into your chest, I let out a moan* Oh god, Z...I'm....*panting hard as I grind myself against you*

*feeling your walls clench and start pulling at me as you continue to move slow and steady against my pelvis. reaching up as I take your shoulders and pull them down to me as I find your mouth, kissing you deeply and showing you how much you turn me on. my own release is right at the edge, and a few more movements and I am done for.*

*running my tongue over your lips as I kiss you, my core pushing and pulling your sex, the friction against my clit sending me into spasm as I slow my center, allowing myself to soak your length. Moaning into your lips at the feel of the shutters and pulses.*

*feeling you come hard above me, I hold you close. my arms tightly wrapping around you as I bend my legs and thrust into you. feeling my own release starting to build, and fast. groaning loudly into your mouth as I bury myself in you and effectively fill you with everything I have.*

*although already on top of you, I collapse, my body sated. Kissing you deeply as I run my hands over your head. Then burrowing my forehead into your neck, trying to slow my breath* Damn...that *popping my head up, remembering where we are and looking behind us, seeing a few sets of eyes then turning back to you* Think we put on a good show? *smirking as I pepper your lips with kisses*

*my eyes never leaving yours as I kiss you again.* Yes, I guess we did put on a good show. *rubbing your back as I quickly pull myself out of you.* we should probably get out so someone else can use this room. *smirking more at the thought of others watching us as. Seeing you agree, I sit up as you get off the bed and start putting your cloths back on. I start to do the same. not caring how I look at this point. Too sated to care.*

*straightening out my dress as I help you correct the buttons on your shirt, chuckling at you as we walk out of the door. I start down the hall when I feel you tug at my hand in the other direction. I turn to look at you and point the way I was walking* Babe, this is the way out of this hall I am pretty sure.

*seeing you go the other way, I pull on your hand.* How about we try this. just to look around. see what is so important. *angling my head to the 'no cloths beyond this point' sign.* what do you say? *pulling your body to me* You want to be brave?

*smirking at you, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through me* Yeah, let's do it. *angling my head up to kiss you before I make my way through the 'female locker room' door* See you in a minute? *licking my lips then nibbling on my bottom one*

*smirking as I nod, grabbing at your ass as you walk into the locker room to disrobe.*

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tweets 28

Zsadist: *feeling the plane level off, and the flight attendants starting to move around again, they ask if we need drinks and I wave my hand, to signal them to go back to what they were doing. I unbuckle my belt and stand.* Come with me. *knowing that there is no use in giving up this opportunity.*

*looking at you, concerned, as you stand, nervous about moving around while in the air, taking your hand & squeezing it tightly* Where are we going? Is it safe to get up? *my voice hitching and nervous, my eyes dashing around the plane*

*pulling you to my body. feeling your arms wrap around me. knowing you are a little nervous.* Yes, it’s perfectly safe. *walking us to the back of the Plane, and closing us into the little bedroom that is back here. leaning my head down, I kiss you quickly* I think it’s time we make use of this bed. *giving you a small smirk*

*kissing you back, groaning at the idea. Pulling at the hem of your shirt, lifting it to expose your rock hard abs & taut nipples, running my tongue over your rings, moaning into your skin*

*growling as you start to pull my clothing off. Reaching for you, and disposing of your shirt as I angle your face up, looking into your eye before kissing you. my tongue slipping into your mouth as I lightly stroke and flick at your own. While my hands move down to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head.*

*standing naked before you, except for my boots, breaking our kiss to work at removing your pants. My chest already beginning to rise and fall quickly at the excitement of having you inside me while flying*

*seeing you standing before me, I quickly remove my pants, pushing them down to the floor as my already hardened cock spring to attention before you.* lay down. on the bed. *wanting to just watch you move. the few mirrors around the room making it seem bigger while showing me all angles of you.*

*groaning at the sight of your massive cock, I move to the bed, positioning myself on my side, eyeing you hungrily as I can feel my center getting hungry for you too*

*looking at you laying on your side. I get a great view of your perfect ass, begging to be touched. I look on the wall in front of you, and see a mirror there. showing your reflection back. groaning as all the different images flood my brain. getting on the bed, I lay behind you. my hands resting on your hips as I whisper in your ear.* are you in this position on purpose, Princess?

*looking at you through the reflection in the mirror as I hitch my top leg over your thigh and run my hand up your side to your head, whispering a 'mmhmm' as I rub my fingertips against your skull trimmed hair*

*needing to take advantage of the mirrors, I keep you laying on your side. getting onto my knees, I lift your top leg up, to meet my shoulder as my legs straddle the remaining one of yours. my hands rubbing your stomach as I position my hard length at your dripping wet center. slowly easing myself inside you as I watch your eyes on the mirror. smirking slightly as I know you are enjoying yourself.*

*with my leg curled underneath you and my other leg on your shoulder, I can feel every inch of your hardened length fill me and I gasp at the sensation. Moving my hips slightly, I sit up a bit to reach my arm around you & grab your ass, pulling you in deeper. Looking into your yellow eyes, I moan deep in my chest at the connection.*

*feeling your hands on my ass, I growl loudly. not caring who hears us. slowly thrusting in and pulling out. getting a feel for the angle, the degree of penetration, and where your body in in relation to me. felling your core pull at me, begging me to take you, I comply. increasing my pace and the power I put behind my thrusts. only focusing on your pleasure right now, as my hands move to your chest. Palming your breast and lightly pulling at your nipple.*

*throwing my head back as you thrust and I moan, my hips rocking with yours, feeling you going in deep. My nipple hardens under your touch. This position has your entire center connected with mine and the friction on my clit is heavenly. Digging the back of my heel into your shoulder and grabbing your ass a bit tighter, I follow your rhythm, the beat of our bodies meeting makes a sweet sound*

*feeling my pelvis connect with yours, I keep my cock buried deep into you as I rock my hips, effectively grinding myself against you, stimulating your clit. Looking over at the mirror, seeing our bodies intertwined, I can't tear my eyes away.*

*my moans become growls as the momentum begins to build inside me. eyeing you watching us in the mirror I bring my hand up around and rake it down your chest, using my nails to scrape you then return it to your ass to hold you tight against me. The walls surrounding your cock tightening as my body begins to shutter. I attempt to stifle my groans as my panting gets heavier*

*growling with you as your nails move over me, and down my chest. feeling your wet core to start to milk me. knowing how close you are, I smirk at myself. my own release still a ways off. I am able to angle my hips and thrust into the deepest recesses of your core. hoping to reach your g-spot*

*my insides give way to your thrusts and I scream out as my core pulsates around you, returning my hand to your chest, clawing at in an attempt to grab hold as my body feels it’s in free fall. My eyes and head roll back as the feeling radiates from the inside out* Oh Z!

*your screams sinking into me, causing my cock to jump inside you. all the hold I had on my own release, going out the window as I hear you call out my name. my hands moving down to your hips, holding onto you as I keep thrusting my hips into you. my head falling back, calling out to you* Payne. *knowing I can't hold back. I surge into you and release into you fully. Groaning loudly.*

*feeling your release allows another of mine to escape. I try to slow my panting breath as I remove my leg from your shoulder and collapse completely on the bed, bringing you down next to me. Sweating, panting & sated all I can muster is* Wow. We should fly more often.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tweets 26

Zsadist: *feeling the comfortable bed beneath me as I start to wake up. Having a great sleep after spending time in our hot-tub. *feeling you in my arms I immediately remember the dream I was just having. The intense dream that brought me rock hard. My hands already roaming your body, trying to bring you awake. Rolling your body over I climb in between your legs, laying kisses on your neck.* I need you to wake up now, Princess. *pressing my rock hard length into your thigh.*

Payne: *groaning at the idea of being woken up, feeling so relaxed and peaceful. The motion of my body being moved and your lips on my neck make me grin slightly. The hardness at my thigh clues me into what you need. Moaning softly, my voice a whisper* Well good morning to you too *smirking as I lift up my head to kiss your lips*

Zsadist: *kissing your lips as I press my lower body into yours more. Murmuring against your lips* I had this intense dream that has left me in pain. I need you so bad right now. *feeling your soft skin against my hard cock, makes me realize that we are both naked.*

Payne: *my eyes are fully open now and I can't help but smirk* Wow that must have been some dream. *licking my lips seductively, then taking my lower one in my teeth, the anticipation growing* Tell me about it.

Zsadist: *moving my head back to your neck as I kiss and nip at it.* It was a dream about me and you... *not knowing how you will take this, I reluctantly keep telling you about the dream* were invited to a Orgy. we weren't the center of the...action, but *groaning* it was still very hot. *rubbing your leg as I keep laying kisses.*

Payne: *cocks an eyebrow, leaning away from you to take in your face* An orgy? You mean like group sex? *narrows my eyes at the thought of sharing you with anyone else*

Zsadist: *nodding against your neck as I feel you turning to look at me, leaning up to look back at you.* Yes, it was me and you, just us together, as others and their couples were together. Some had changed partners, others had a bigger group together, but we were staying to our selves. *groaning again as more of the dream come to me.* Do you know how hot it is to see others looking at you. And me to know that you are all mine? *circling my hips as the tip of my cock begs to enter you.*

Payne: *considers it for a moment, sees the intensity in your eyes, thinking about what it would be like to be watched. Suddenly the idea of others seeing you give me pleasure sends my heart racing. To share that with you...I let out a low growl* That does sound hot actually. *feeling the heat rising between us, I bite my lip and coyly ask* Will you show me? Show me what you did to me in your dream.

Zsadist: *groaning loudly as I nod* Oh hell yes. *the image of taking you like I did at the orgy causing my cock to jump. sitting up, I move out of the way.* Get on your knees.

Payne: *my pulse quickens as I turn over onto my stomach and push up so my back comes in contact with your chest, my ass against your hips, feeling your hardness against me. my nipples hardening, my core pulsating as I imagine other people in the room.*

Zsadist: *groaning as I let my hands move over your sides. my cock wanting your core, but I want to take my time. closing my eyes as I imagine others watching us. 30 or more people watching. Their eyes on your entire body. Unable to stop I shift my hips and brush my hardened length at the entrance of your core. slowly pushing myself into you slowly.*

Payne: *moans loudly as you enter me slowly, letting my head fall back to your shoulder. I reach up behind me and wrap one arm around your neck, moaning softly into your ear* Z, you feel so good *taking my other hand to yours at my side and guiding it across my stomach to my clit. Continuing to guide your fingers as I move my hips against you slowly*

Zsadist: *my head on the other side of your face, I look down your body. seeing your perfect chest, and your perfect hips and stomach, I let you guide my hand to the apex of your legs. slipping my fingers next to your wet clit, slowly rubbing you as I keep my hips with yours.* I bet you would come so hard if you had people watching you. *groaning even more.*

Payne: *growling, taking my hand from your neck and using it to guide your other hand to my breast, needing you to touch all of me. my hips keep pace with you, but I grind your hand against my core harder. Moaning at you touching all my sensitive places. Leaning my head back against your shoulder, panting and whispering* Everyone watching us is so jealous of how fucking hot you make me. So. fucking. hot.

Zsadist: *envisioning us in front of everyone. I start moving faster inside of you. Thrusting harder, deeper, making you groan more, my jaw clenching as I try and hold back. I try and calm the need to release inside of you. * You are so fucking Hot.

Payne: *turning to lick your jaw, nipping at it as I groan with your thrusts. taking your fingers to pinch and twist my nipple. my inner walls begin to clench around your thickness and I feel myself start to come undone. growling low, whispering to you* oh baby oh god, Z

Zsadist: *my cock jumping more as you take my hand and show me what you want. feeling your walls clench around me, my body becomes rigid as I try and hold back my own release. Unable to take it anymore I hold onto your body as I feel myself release with you. groaning* Fuck Payne!

Payne: *coming undone around you hard as I milk your cock with my juices, calling out your name at the pleasure the release gives. panting heavily as I continue to shutter and shake around you, another orgasm overtaking me. rubbing my hands up and down the back of your head* Zsadist.

Zsadist: *feeling you continuously come around me. my breathing trying to calm itself as I slowly pull out of you, keeping my arms around you as I pull us back to the bed. keeping your back to my front as we are still breathing heavily.* Damn, good Morning Princess.

Payne: *taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm my breathing, turning toward you slightly, smirking* Damn Good morning it is babe. Wow, that was some dream. *looking at you intently as I turn over completely, facing you* Would you want to do that? Make that dream come true?

Zsadist: *my eyes watching you, not knowing your reaction to it.* I don't know. It would be up to you. I can't bear the thought of anyone else touching you, but others watching you. *shrugging my shoulders slightly* maybe. What do you think? *needing to know your thoughts.*

Payne: *shrugs* I was imagining people watch us. *biting my lip* I think it's ... hot.... Maybe if we ... looked into it? I would only do it and feel safe if you were with me the whole time. *taking your face in my hands and brushing my lips against yours*

Zsadist: *agreeing with you as I move my lips against yours. opening my mouth, pushing my tongue into yours, lightly brushing it against yours as I press my body against yours more. The kiss showing me that maybe we are ready for something like this.*

Payne: *moving my hands to the nape of your neck, pulling you even closer as my tongue teases and dances with yours.*

Zsadist: *lightly pulling away as I look into your eyes.* I will do it if you want to. And I would never leave you alone for a second, leaning down I kiss your mouth once more.*

Payne: *nodding as I kiss you again and then take your hand to get us out of bed, smirking* Come with me....there is breakfast with your name on it.