Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tweets 12

Payne:  *kissing you briefly on the cheek* See you later babe.*dematerializing from the penthouse over to the Brotherhood compound for the New Year's Eve party, I am a bit nervous; hoping we can pull this off. Yet anxious to see everyone again. Entering the grand foyer, I see the doggen running around like crazy, the Brothers and their shellans and the trainees. Music was playing in the background as the beer and champagne flowed freely.*

Zsadist:  *dematerializing to the compound a few minutes after you. Walking inside and putting my jacket on the rack at the door. I nod my hellos to the brothers I see and pick up a beer and start downing it. I am not a drinker but I think this night will require me to be a little calmer then usual.*

Payne: *having taken a glass of champagne from Fritz & saying my hellos to the King and Queen, Vishous and Jane get into a conversation about how things were going for me outside the compound. I blush as V picks up my hand to expose on my wrist.* 'Nice bling Sister Mine' he says. Jane of course wants all the details as I explain it was a Christmas present. When V growls, Jane & I quickly change topics. My line of sight followed the delicious smell of my pyrocant and I couldn't help but look him up and down and lick my lips.*

Zsadist: *moving through the people wearing I see Bella and Phury talking. I know its been a while since I have even seen my twin, but he is talking to Bella. I turn the other way but she sees me. She runs after me. Reluctantly I turn back, she starts rambling on and on about how great I look. She talks about how great it is to live in the Mansion, I nod and start scanning the crowd for my pyrocant. The only one that means anything to me anymore. I faintly smell her, but I still can't see her. I feel Bella's hand on my arm and I try to brush her off but she steps closer to me. 'You know I have really missed you Z.' That was when I knew it was time to move on.* I have to go find someone. *I walk past her and through the trainees and other Shellans, still looking for @Payne_Untied.*

Payne: *walking through the crowd, looking for something to nibble on, wearing and brushing by you, feeling the heat pass between us, looking down as I cross the room.*

Zsadist:  *heading to the middle of the main foyer, I see you walking to me. I can't take my eyes off the curve of your hips and the sway of your walk. Images of us tangled together in bed cross my mind. I stop and let my eyes follow you, making sure to not move my head. Trying to keep any kind of attention off of our exchange. I follow you to the buffet table.*

Payne: *feeling you behind me has my entire body responding. I reach for a plate to fill it with the appetizers laid out on the table, not realizing I was shaking until I see the plate in my hand. Glancing up at you under my lashes, my breath hitches as you are so close, close enough to touch.*

Zsadist:  *I move next to you, taking a apple that Fritz had placed at the end of the table. I lean down slightly, whispering so only you can hear me* You look amazing. *knowing if I am not careful I will be pulling you into a closet and taking advantage of the skirt*

Payne:  *smiling at you and whispering back* there is nothing on this table more edible than you. *licking my lips then grabbing a few morsels and walking away from you, making my way across the room. I see Wrath and Beth to one side and he is eyeing me intently, I simply nod and he nods in response. I position myself so I can see you and you see me, without too much attention.*

Zsadist:  *growling slightly as you walk away from me. I see V and Butch walking up to me. I take a few bits of my apple as they ask me how I have been, and what I have been doing.* I have been taking some time off. Relaxing. *V eyes me and Butch punches me in the arm. Butch asks what her name is, I shrug it off and pick up another apple.* I don't kiss and tell. *That was a good enough answer for them, they walk off as I lean against the table and keep an eye on my female. Looking at the clock, knowing it is getting close to midnight.*

Payne: *seeing you look at me, I lazily, seductively, run my fingers and hand around my neck. I stare intently into your eyes, our gaze broken by someone stepping into our site-line. It's Bella and I can't help but let out a low growl.*

Zsadist:  *watching you move your finger, I imagine what you feel like, I grow hard. When my view is blocked I try to move around to get a better view. Still unable I look at the obstruction, it’s Bella. Damn it, she is always in my way. I see her moving toward me, and I grab another beer and walk in the opposite direction. Maybe she will get the hint if I keep walking away. Walking around the main group of people. Moving behind you, letting my hand train across your shoulders, making sure no one saw.* At midnight, you will meet me in the closet, under the main stairs. *I walk away to the middle of the crowd to say Hi to Phury, not that he is alone.*

Payne:  *gasping at the electricity in your touch against my skin, I smile softly and nod and glance to the clock and see that I only have to wait 3 more minutes. I noticed the shellans were finding their mates, everyone pairing off as they began the countdown. I began wandering around to be sure no one was watching and ducked into the closet*

Zsadist:   *walking to the utility closet and hoping that no one saw me. I wait for a few moments then I see you sneaking in. I close the door behind you, then roughly push you up against the wall, lowing my head to your neck. I take in your scent. The power you have over me, is undeniable. I kiss your neck as I feel my fangs throbbing slightly* you are so mine.

Payne:  *moaning against you, throwing my arms around your neck, burying my face, growling as my fangs begin to elongate* yours *hearing the hollers and "Happy New Years" exclamations outside, I cup your face and bring your mouth roughly to mine, thrusting my tongue in, groaning as my tongue feels your fangs and your body pressed against mine*

Zsadist:  *positioning a leg in between yours as I push my knee into you. I dominate your mouth with mine. moving my tongue into your mouth, moaning into you as I feel you squirming around me. I press my knee into you further.*

Payne: *grinding my core into your knee, growling into your mouth with need, moving my hand down your chest and palming your erection*

Zsadist:  *moving my hand down your body to your thigh, pushing my hand under your skirt and feeling... nothing. I break the kiss while looking into your eyes as my fingers move across your bare skin. Growling* You are going to be punished for this one. *taking your mouth again as I brush my fingers against your wet core.*

Payne: Happy New Year *I mutter before my moan gets stifled by your mouth. Moving my hips to your fingers while hardening my grip on your cock, moaning around your tongue, then tilting my head back* Z, take me home. Now.

Zsadist: *breathing heavily as I look into your eyes. Home is exactly where I need to be. I step back to the door and step outside. adjusting myself so my rock hard cock isn't too noticeable. I turn back to you* I will meet you there. Make sure to say bye to a few people, so it isn't too weird that you just walked out. *I walk back to the crowd, waving bye to a few people, knowing that most of the people here are already drunk, they barely notice I am gone. I take my jacket and step out of the main door and dematerialize back to the penthouse, and directly into our bedroom.*

Payne:  *walking around the room, saying my goodbyes and Happy New Years, hugging Jane and kissing V on the cheek. I walk over to the King and Queen and put out my fist for Wrath, as was customary between us. He bumped them then leaned in to my ear 'we need to meet. tomorrow or next day.' I nodded in response and said goodbye. walking out the door, I quickly dematerialized back to the penthouse bedroom, kicking off my shoes as soon as I got there. Seeing you, I stalk over to you, and begin unbuttoning and unzipping your pants as I kiss your mouth with fervor.*

Zsadist:  *taking off my jacket as I let you push my pants down. I kiss you mouth briefly then break away. I lean my head down to the top of your dress. My fangs elongate fully and I hook one fang into the material and cut it. then I take my hands and pull the front of your dress apart. Needing you naked as soon as possible. I move my head, smelling and seeing your pulsating vein I move my mouth to yours. knowing there will be plenty of time for blood. Naked is the first step on the agenda.*

Payne: *groaning at the feel of you exposing me, craving taking over as I quickly pull the hem of your shirt up and begin to walk backward to the bed, pulling you with me. Lust rearing to the surface as my fangs elongate even more as I watch your naked form move with me*

Zsadist:  *wrapping my arms around you as I push you up to the middle of the bed. I sit on my knees in between your legs, letting my eyes move over you. I pull at the opening of my shirt and yank it apart, watching as the buttons start flying off. The need to be inside of you is too much for me to wait. I pull the shirt off and loom over you.*

Payne: *seeing the need in your eyes, knowing mine is just as strong, I lace my fingers behind your head and pull you to me* Mine *wrapping my legs around you, digging my heels into the back of your thighs*

Zsadist:  *inserting myself into you, I can't take it anymore. I move in you slowly. My fangs throb and my mouth goes dry. I see your vein and I lower my head to your neck. Pushing your head to the side, I take your vein, piercing and bringing in your blood. Groaning as I feel you satisfy my need. I move my rock hard length into you, slowly at first, then increasing the speed as I take more of your blood into me.*

Payne: Oh yes Z! *rocking my hips, increasing their speed as you increase, clawing at your back, wrapping my legs tighter to bring you deeper, moaning loudly as you pull on my vein*

Zsadist:  *taking a few more pulls then closing the wound, I lift my head and pound into you harder now. I wrap my arms around you and roll us over so you are on top.* Take from me. *grabbing your hips and grinding you against me*

Payne:  *my fangs elongate fully as I look in your eyes then go to your vein, puncturing and sucking with vigor, grinding my core deep into you, running my hands over your skull-trimmed hair, pulling your blood in my mouth, moving my hips to increase the friction.*

Zsadist:  *feeling you move around me and taking my blood into you. I growl and feel my bonding scent start to be released. It is more concentrated then I had experienced before. I keep your hips moving against me as I smell the room filling with my scent.*

Payne: *taking the last pulls then licking the wound closed, pushing myself up to drive you deeper into me, moving against you harder smelling the delicious scent filling the room, raking my fingers over your chest, looking deep into your eyes as I ride you* Z...oh shit Z

Zsadist:  *leaning my head back as I watch you hips move up and down me. I feel my length shaking and I get close to the edge. Needing release.*

Payne: *my muscles tighten and clench around you as I come hard, screaming out at the overwhelming feeling as I release around you.*

Zsadist:  *clenching my jaw as I release into you. Wrapping my arms around you, pulling your chest to mine as I let my breath calm. Enjoying the feel of you above me.*

Payne: *collapsing on top of you, tucking my head to your chest, breathing deep as we drift to sleep in each other's arms, that scent lingering in the room*

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