Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tweets 14

Payne: *knocking on the door to Wrath's office, anxious to see my old friend*

Wrath: *hearing you knock, I call you to come in. putting my papers down and taking off my wrap arounds, and rubbing my eyes. smelling your scent, also picking up on the bonding scent. Z's bonding scent. It is everywhere, and I shake my head at the thought of what V would think if he smelled @Payne_Untied right now.*

Payne: *bowing slightly* My Lord. *putting out my fist for the fist bump that is customary between us* Good to see you my friend.

Wrath: *bumping fists with you as I signal you to sit.* I am glad you find time in your busy schedule to see me. *leaning back in my chair as I put my shitkickers up on my desk.* How have things been going?

Payne: *sitting back in the chair across from the King's desk, seeing him relax, I relax as I can no longer hide my wide smile* Things are great. really great. how have things been around here?

Wrath: *nodding as I can smell your contentment.* Its been fine. Everyone is actually missing Z, which I never thought would happen but they are. *thinking about the lessers and how they are starting to expand their numbers. I start rubbing my head* Z will be busy for the next few weeks. We need him on rotation more then ever.

Payne: *leaning forward in my chair, placing my hands on my knees* Why Wrath? What's going on?

Wrath: *keeping my laid back stance, not wanting to worry you.* We have reason to believe that they had a mass initiation. So there are new lessers out there, and new lessers are dangerous. So, we just need the brothers to combine forces and get them taken care of. Its nothing to worry about.

Payne: *concerned but nods in understanding* Wrath, let me get out there and fight too. If you need help, you know I am capable.

Wrath: *shaking my head instantly, knowing I am your Ghardian, and that would go against the need to protect you.* I don't think I can allow that. I know you are capable, but I am your Ghardian. That would go against my job of protecting you.

Payne: *standing up, pacing around the room, trying to remain calm, taking a deep breath, my voice slightly raised* Is this because I am female? I have been training, you know I am ready for this. I can protect myself. And I will be with the Brothers.If there has been a mass initiation, our race needs all the help it can get to combat these fuckers. *taking another deep breath*

Wrath: *thinking about all the hours you have put into the training center.* Yes, you have been working hard. But the brothers can't be holding your hand out there. You need more sparing. You need to put a few more hours in before I can agree to this. Also, you and Z can't be out at the same time. Ever. that would be too much of a emotional distraction.

Payne: *huffing slightly* I don't need any hand holding, but fine, I will spar a bit more, hit the gun range again.*thinking about being on rotation differently from Z would allow for less time together. I shake my head at the thought. This is about saving our race* I agree about Z and I being on rotation together. It wouldn't be good for anyone. *taking another deep breath* I can do this Wrath.

Wrath: *seeing your reluctance with the mention of being away from Z, on different rotations.* Have you told V yet?

Payne: *surprised at your question, I stammer* Um, no....not yet. Why do you ask? Did V say something?

Wrath: *shaking my head* He hasn't said anything yet, but the way he was looking at you on New Years. He knows somethings up. You need to tell him. If you don't, you can't go on rotation. *rubbing my head* Those are the stipulations. More training, more gun practice, and telling V. Agreed?

Payne: *running my hand through my hair, then rubbing my temples and sighing deeply. Reluctantly* agreed.

Wrath: *smirking at you slightly* okay then. Deal. Now, about this new place of yours. It is fully secure? state of the art security system? Steel shutters? Everything?

Payne: *smirks then chuckles* Wrath, I live with Z remember? He has the place hooked up with everything *thinking about the playroom* and I mean everything. *smiles* We will have everyone over.............eventually.

Wrath: *nodding* I bet leelan would love that. She has been asking about you. *shaking my head* anyway, I have reports to get to. *nodding toward the door.* I hope to see you in the training center soon.

Payne: *nodding* I will visit with her soon. I miss her as well. *making my way to the door and turning to you* Thanks Wrath.*bowing as I step out of the office and dematerialize back to the penthouse.* Now, how to tell Z ?

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