Monday, January 17, 2011

Tweets 17

Zsadist: *waking after sleeping, after @Payne_Untied let me take your vein. I come to, finding you are still on top of me. I let my hands roam over your body. my hands resting on your hips. I look down and see your eyes looking back at me.* Hey Princess. *already feeling all the pain has left my body and I am almost healed.*

Payne: *feeling your hands on me sends shock waves through my body, taking your face in my hands, I kiss you softly* How do you feel? Do you need anything?

Zsadist: *I shake my head slightly, and bring my lips to yours, kissing you lightly at first. The kiss progressing as I feel already hardened length pressing into you.*

Payne: *smirking against your lips as our kiss deepens. my entire body is reacting to it, as if it is the first time we have kissed - my heart racing, my limbs feeling numb, my skin on fire. Allowing myself to get lost in feeling you, I am overwhelmed with the emotion.*

Zsadist: *I move your hips and slowly ease myself into you, feeling intense emotion pool to the surface. our connection causing electrical sparks arch between us. I am lost in the kiss and the movement our bodies are generating.*

Payne: *moving in unison with you, feeling the atmosphere in the room even changing, getting caught in the whirlwind of passion between us, I moan into your mouth, allowing my body to express what I am unable.*

Zsadist: *keeping the rhythm between us, my bonding scent immediately filling the room. My hands roaming your body, feeling all your soft perfect skin.*

Payne: *running my hands over your skull trimmed hair as every part of us is connected, smelling the sweetness that is your bonding scent permeate me, I am overcome and all of emotions are released in an explosion around you. Moaning deeply as my body shudders*

Zsadist: *wrapping my arms around you, keeping you as close to me as possible. I feel and smell your release and I am pushed over the edge, claiming you with my bonding scent, and me filling you internally. my body humming at the connection we have.*

Payne: *feeling safe and protected in your arms, content and happy in knowing I am yours and you are mine, my heart continues to pound in my chest and I murmur into your lips what my heart is saying* I love you.

Zsadist: *kissing you briefly, then pulling away, looking into your eyes as I whisper quietly.* I love you. And I am sorry for our fight. I know we are over it, but I just wanted to make sure you knew. I'm sorry. *kissing you deeply.*

Payne: *kissing you back, then pulling away* I'm sorry too. *wrapping one arm around your neck, stroking your cheek with the other hand*

Zsadist: *kissing you again as I wrap the cover over you to keep you warm.* I am glad we got that over with. *slowly rotating my shoulder as I feel pain slowly growing.*

Payne: *cocking an eyebrow at you as I am not sure the discussion is over, nevertheless, putting it aside as I see you wince slightly* Are you alright? *my voice slightly panicked as there is a knock on the door. Before I can respond, the door swings open. Pulling the cover to my chin, my eyes widen at brother mine storming into the room* Vishous? What the .....

Zsadist: *pulling the cover of you more and lifting my leg to help block the view of you more. My eyes turning black as V walks in, thinking he got a view of you that wasn't allowed.* Get the Fuck out V. *V stammers and apologizes then walks out the door as quick as he walked in. I look down at you and seeing that not much of you was seen.* Sorry about that too.

Payne: *getting dressed quickly & walking out the side door into Tohr's office, wanting to be nearby but not wanting to be in the room as Brother Mine @LoverUntied and @Z_Untied talk*

Vishous: *knocking this time on the door to the PT suite, wanting to check @Z_Untied 's injuries and get some questions answered, holding back my anger and going into nurse V mode* ( @Z_Untied )

Zsadist: *hearing the knock I call out* Come in. *seeing V enter I make sure I'm covered as I sit up, still feeling the tightness in my shoulder. I rotate it slightly and watch you walk in.* Whats doin?

Vishous: *walking in, I smell your bonding scent & I hold back a growl, seeing you adjusting your shoulder, I walk to the side of your bed to check the bandage* How are you feeling? Have you fed?

Zsadist: *holding back a smirk as I think about feeding from @Payne_Untied* Yeah. I feel a ton better after that. So much better that I would like to go home today. *looking at you as you poke at me, not wanting to get into a deep conversation but knowing I can't stop it.*

Vishous: *watching your reactions as I check you over* I don't see why not. You are healing well. You need to rest though. Wrath has given you a couple of days off, to be sure you are 100%. *stepping back from you, crossing my arms over my chest* Now, you want to explain to me what the fuck you have doin' with sister mine? *unable to stop the low growl in my chest*

Zsadist: *breathing in deeply as I lower my head* Its... we live together. It’s been going on for a couple months now. We both knew we needed to tell you, but it isn't something you can discuss over First Meal. *rubbing my hand over my head nervously* You are her Ghardian, I should have asked you. I know I fucked up. *breathing in deeply as I raise my eyes to yours while squaring my shoulders* Which is why I want to offer you a Rythe. *watching you as you stand with your arms crossed. Waiting to see what you say.*

Vishous: A couple of months? *thinking back to some of our conversations, scrubbing my goatee* Is she why you were asking me about pyrocants? And bonding with pyrocants? Do you think @Payne_Untied is your pyrocant? *I begin pacing the floor, eyeing you carefully*

Zsadist: *mentally cursing as I just gave away that piece of information.* Uh, *not sure how to take it other then just telling the truth*. Yeah. I think @Payne_Untied is my pyrocant. and she thinks the same about me. *rubbing my hand over my head again* even though we have no idea what we are doing. We are just taking it one day at a time.

Vishous: *coming to the end of the bed, placing my hands on it, getting eye level with you* You have bonded with her?

Zsadist: *replying without even thinking* Yes. *then thinking for a moment, and trying to get your reaction* We are close... I am... we are... *clenching my jaw* Yes. I love her. *know sure how else to say it.* I never bonded with Bella. With @Payne_Untied it just happened. It couldn't have been stopped.

Vishous: *my eyes flash with anger, another growl leaving my chest, I begin pacing the floor again, trying to wrap my head around this....relationship. scrubbing my goatee again* It's obvious she feels the same, she never left your side. Wrath would come in, she didn't care. - She wouldn't eat. I think I only saw her drift off to sleep once. *rubbing my hand over my head* Z, we both know you have....issues. Of course, I am concerned for @Payne_Untied 's safety. But I also know she can take care of herself. She seems.....happy. *shrugging my shoulders and taking a deep breath* I suppose that is all I truly want for her. *stopping the pacing, I stand next to you, stern face* Your offer a rythe is unnecessary. You fucking hurt her though and you will dig your own grave, true?

Zsadist: *nodding as my body relaxes* Thank you. And I won't hurt her. *thinking about the last time we were at the penthouse, and playroom, I make a mental note that it will never happen again.* So, I'm good to go home as long as I take it easy for a few days?

Vishous: *taking a deep breath and putting out my fist to you, to signify we're cool* Yeah, you can go. Let me know if you have any problems or any pain. And check in with either me or Doc Jane before your next rotation.

Zsadist: *hitting my fist to yours as I wave you out* Get out. I have to get into some real clothes. Vishous: *turning toward the door, taking out a hand rolled* Take care of her Brother. *walking out of the suite, lighting up and heading to the Pit for a bottle, not just a shot, a bottle of Goose.*

Zsadist: *standing up in the PT suite, stretching. Laying still for 2 days has caused my muscles to stiffen up. I know I need to get to the gym and loosen them back up after I spend the night in my own bed, with @Payne_Untied laying next to me. I start thinking about Phury and Rhage and of course Butch as they all came to see me and make jokes about my bum shoulder. I twist and turn as I work my torso muscles. I then think about all V said and how I answered his questions so easily. but one question still is left to be answered. what happens when a pyrocant mates. And how am I not running through the halls to be next to @Payne_Untied. its been hours since I have seen her and a whole night before then. I walk over to the chair that has all my clothes on them, slowly pulling my pants on as my mind keeps racing.*

Payne: *coming through the door, I see @Z_Untied standing & getting dressed. Running over to him, concerned* Z, what are you doing? Let me help you.

Zsadist: *smelling and hearing you as you walk in. my body stiffens again, but not only in my shoulders and legs.* I am just getting dressed. I am a big boy now. I can get dressed on my own. *turning to you and smirking at your expression* V gave me the green light. I can go home.

Payne: *smirking at you, then smiling wide* Well, that's good news! I know you will be glad to sleep in your bed *winking, then gazing downward* Anything else Brother Mine have to say?

Zsadist: *knowing that I should keep the specifics out of this.* Just basic stuff. about my recovery. He knows about us and he will be okay with it over time. *knowing not to get into the whole 'hurt her, I’ll kill you' bit.*

Payne: *smirking, knowing you are not telling me the whole story, eyeing your bloodied clothes still in the corner* Let's leave those and get you home.*gingerly placing my arms around you* Let me dematerialize home and get the car to pick you up.

Zsadist: *smirking down at you* nope. I can dematerialize. I am good enough for that. *thinking about swatting your ass but deciding against it since the last time I was around your ass, you safe worded. And I haven't seen what it looks like. I curse myself, and hope that I didn't leave a scar.* I will race ya. *getting a head start as you stand there, I run out the door in just my cutoff jeans, toward the back door, stepping outside so I can dematerialize.*

Payne: *running & calling after you, concerned* Zsadist!! *stepping outside not far behind you & dematerializing back to the penthouse*

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