Monday, January 17, 2011

Tweets 16

Zsadist:  *I dematerialize to the compound, going to may old room that has been cleaned but overall not touched. Letting my hand roam over the clothes that Fritz left behind on purpose. I put on a pair of leathers, a white under shirt and a black trench coat. I walk over to the spare weapons that I kept here for emergencies. 2 SIGs, 3 Daggers, and 10 throwing stars. Throwing stars aren't my specialty but I put them in my holster just in case. I put the daggers in place, and look over the SIGs. they have been sitting and I saw the beginning of rust but I put them in their holster then walked out of the room, down to the main foyer and met up with V and Butch. I climbed into the Escalade as they started talking about something Rhage did the other day. My mind wasn't in their conversation. It was only on @Payne_Untied and how I walked out without saying I'm sorry. I tried to push the memories of the fight and the time in the playroom. I shook my head, trying to clear it. We pulled up to the first location to collect the jars from the ones we killed the last night. We were sure it would be a slow night because they would all be in hiding so collecting Jars is the job for tonight. The first few locations went smoothly. V and Butch wouldn't shut their damn mouth, but that was fine with me. After two more locations I realized that if we all went in SWAT style we wouldn't get to all the locations* Let me get this next one. Keep the car running. I don't want to be here all night. *I wanted to get back to @Payne_Untied. I jumped out of the car before V and Butch could cause a big fit about it. I walked in, clear, grabbed the jar and went back to the car.* See, piece of cake. You two nancies can sit here and talk about the view or some shit. *we went to 3 more locations and all were the same. Dead. On the next location it was a warehouse.I knew it was going to be quick, I jumped out as V started yelling about backup. I waved him off and crept up the side, taking it slow. My mind on @Payne_Untied but I didn't hear any noise, so I snuck into the door. It was black except for a light behind a door. I shrugged it off as someone just leaving the light on. Then I walk up and open it. I instantly see 8-10 Lessers sitting around, having some kind of conference. My mind goes into overdrive asking myself why I didn't smell them until I saw them. They all saw me and stood, pulling out their guns. I crouch down, pulling out my throwing stars and cutting a few in the face and neck. I reach for my gun as I step back out of the door way, pressing myself up against the wall, I aim, waiting for some lessers to come charging out of the room. I was right. They start shooting before they even see me. I catch a few in the stomach and chest but it doesn't slow the shower of bullets that I try to crawl away from. It isn't until I reach down to re-load that I see the blood. Then the pain starts to register. I sit on the floor feeling my shoulder screaming in pain, as well as my calf and a slight burning pain in my left torso. I look and see V and Butch coming in, guns blazing. I push back and lean against the wall as V and Butch take care of the remaining lessers. I start to feel my vision blur and I get dizzy. I shrug my jacket ripping a sleeve off to tie it around my shoulder, but it is almost impossible. After a few minutes of trying Butch walks up asking how many lessers there were.* 8 or 9. I don't... *my thoughts getting blurry* think there... 10. *I know I was fading, so I dig for my phone out of my pocket, handing it to Butch.* Call P... *I see the phone took a bullet for me. I smirk slightly as I feel the pain decreasing and my eyes growing heavy.* Fuckin’ phone. *then I fall into the black void*.

Payne:  *starting the tub, thinking the water would soothe the ache and sting in my back, I slip into it, careful not to look at myself in the mirror. Mentally and physically exhausted, I must have fallen asleep as I wake to cold water in the tub and the shutters going down for the day. I quickly get out of the tub, throw on a robe and begin searching the house for @Z_Untied. Racing from room to room I realize he didn't come home. Where could he be? Did he stay at the compound? I text and call his cell phone countless times with no response. Is he with Bella? I can't help but wonder, but I know he wouldn't do that. What if...what if he got hurt hunting? I can't do anything as I am trapped in the penthouse by the damn sun. My heart is racing, tears start to form. I try to force myself to remain calm, but I can't relax, or even eat. I am panicked and stuck. There is nothing I can do but watch the minutes slowly pass on the clock. I go into the playroom and see my collar still on the table. I wince at the thought of how things were left between us. If something happened to him, I would not be able to forgive myself. I put the collar around my neck, needing to feel it around me, reminding me that I am his. The shutters begin to go up and I immediately dematerialize to the compound. Outside Wrath's office, I knock and enter before he even finishes with the 'come in'. I am frantic as I ask Wrath where @Z_Untied is. Wrath tells me to calm down; that Vishous and Jane are taking care of him and the other Brothers are with them. He tells me to just chill until Z wakes up. Murmuring a fuck that, I channel Z's blood and know he is close.I take off for the PT suite, racing down the stairs, taking 2-3 at a time,hearing Wrath call my name, his shitkickers pounding behind me.I see Butch & Rhage in the hallway looking solemn; Phury pacing so much he's wearing out the floor.Wrath's footsteps stop behind me and he says my name. I put up a hand to stop him. Opening the door to the suite, I gasp. Z laying on the gurney as white as the sheet covering him from the waist down. His neck & shoulder are bandaged. Jane & V are there but I am unable to acknowledge them.*

Vishous:  *sitting next to a lifeless @Z_Untied I hear Wrath calling out @Payne_Untied name. Wondering what you is doing here. I hear you walk in and I am instantly assaulted with the smell of Z's bonding scent. My head snaps up* What. The. Fuck! *I stand and come toward @Payne_Untied anger boiling under the surface.*

Payne:  *not acknowledging Brother mine, I walk to Z's side, brushing back my tears. I stroke his head and lay a kiss on his forehead.*

Vishous:  *seeing you kiss Z I instantly start growling* PAYNE! What are you... doing? *unable to contain my anger, I see Wrath enter.*

Payne:  *I can hear you but it's like only Z and I are in the room. My lips notice how cold he is & I turn to grab a blanket from the table behind me.Seeing Z's clothes, bloodied on the floor, I wrap the blanket around him and look at Jane.*

Vishous:  *I see you covering Z.* Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on? *Jane walks up to me as Wrath holds the door open. Jane tells me to talk this breakdown outside. My hands are shaking in rage reluctantly walk out of the PT suite. As I walk out the door Wrath grabs me and tells me to get a hold of myself.*

Payne:  *Jane lays a hand on my shoulder and explains but all I register is: Z is unconscious, he was shot, lost a lot of blood, will need to feed when he wakes. Murmuring a thank you, she leaves us. As she opens the door to leave, I hear commotion in the hallway.*

Vishous:  *Wrath tells me to calm down the minute the door closes.* You want me to calm down? Who was going to tell me about this fling they are having? Why the hell am I the only one that seems to be worried about this? This Is Fucking Z! Not the damn tooth fairy. *I start pacing as Wrath tries to calm me. It isn't until I have Jane in my arms do I realize that all the questions can be answered later.*

Payne:  *Stroking @Z_Untied's head, his face, I pull up a chair & take his hand in mine; whisper to him in the old language: Бях толкова притеснен (I was so worried) Аз съм толкова съжалявам (I am so sorry) Моля, върнете се към мен (Please come back to me) Не мога да живея без теб (I can't live without you) Аз те обичам (I Love you).  Praying to the Scribe Virgin, I lay my head on his chest, clutching his hand, running my thumb over his knuckles. I must have fallen asleep because I dreamed of Mahmen telling me all is as it should be. I am startled awake by a squeeze of my hand, I look up and see @Z_Untied's beautiful yellow eyes. I gingerly get on the table and take your face in my hands. As you wipe away my tears, I kiss you tenderly.* Аз те обичам, Zsadist, Аз те обичам. *smiling as I kiss you again, relieved you are here and with me and going to be okay, I turn my head* You need to feed, get your full strength back to get healed. Take my vein, Zsadist. *leaning my neck closer to your mouth so you don't have to strain*

Zsadist:  *swiping your tears away and kissing you. Not feeling the pain because the healing is already started. I look deep in your eyes, letting my fingers of my other hand trail down your face to your collar, knowing we are better now.* Аз те обичам, Payne. *bringing your face back to mine.*

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