Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tweets 11

Payne: *kissing your cheek, whispering* Babe, do we really have to go? Can't we stay here, like this, for a while longer? *moving my »« lips to yours, peppering them with kisses* Please?

Zsadist:  *smirking against your mouth.* we should get back. There is a New Years thing at the compound. Wrath will want to see you there, and I will have to start my rotations again soon. *kissing you once more.*

Payne: *frowning as I nod because I know you are right, I stand and head to the bed and bathrooms to pack our stuff, huffing a bit* We didn't get to play with all our new toys *looking at my attire* and I should change clothes.

Zsadist:  *watching you move around the room* We will make sure to play with them back at the Penthouse. *Thinking we only got to use one.* You did distract me. I would of been able to use a lot more if it wasn't for your creativity. *taking some cloths and putting the in our overnight bag.*

Payne:*smiling at you as the last of our stuff is put in the bag, my clothes changed. Grabbing your hand, pulling you to me, kissing you* Ready to go?

Zsadist:  *kissing you back briefly, taking a hold of our bag* Yes. *opening the door* After you. *walking out of the room and down to the elevators, smirking slightly elevators in general.*

Payne: *smirking back at you as we head down the elevator to the lobby. As we head out the front door, I gasp* wow! Look at the snow! Maybe it's not safe to drive home. *winking at you then hearing the doorman say the roads are all clear* Damn *I whisper*

Zsadist:  *smirking down at you as I kiss your forehead* Get your ass in my car. *swatting at your backside as I watch you slide into the passenger seat and I take the drivers seat. Starting the car and heading back to the Penthouse.*

Payne: *smiling at you as I get in the car then frowning as we pull away and head over the bridge out of NYC, turning to face you, my hand covering yours on the gearshift* I had a wonderful time Z. Thank you so much. It was...magical. *smiling wide as I squeeze your hand*

Zsadist:  *turning my hand over on the gearshift and holding your hand as we drive* It was nice. We can do it again sometime. Just let me know when. *speeding through the streets of New York.*

Payne: *noticing the familiarity of our location* Back to the real world, huh? When do you start back on rotation?

Zsadist: *watching as we get close to the penthouse* Tomorrow night we have a meeting. Depending on what has been going on, I might be out that night, or the next night for sure.

Payne: *as we pull into the underground garage and make our way to the penthouse up the elevator, I push you against the back wall* So we have tonight? *reaching up on my tiptoes to kiss you gently, smirking* Playroom?

Zsadist:  *kissing you back and then looking into your eyes* Yes. If that pleases you, we can go to the playroom. *thinking about our toys that we have.* I can even bring our toys.

Payne: *my eyes widen as does my smile as I nod. The elevator doors open* I will get us unpacked. Where and how shall I meet you Sir?

Zsadist:  *handing the bag over to you as we walk into the penthouse.* In the Purple room, Naked. I don't feel like messing with clothes tonight. And make sure the toys we bought are placed nicely on the bed.

Payne: *unpacking the bag, stripping naked and padding my way to the purple playroom, laying out the two toys you bought and only one of the vibrators I did , laying them neatly on the bed. Smirking as I stand next to the bed, waiting for you*

Zsadist:  *waiting a few minutes, making sure to give you plenty of time to get prepared. I walk into our bedroom, changing into my nylon pants, leaving my shirt off. I walk over to the purple room and walk into the room. Seeing you standing next to the bed I walk up to you, standing behind you, slipping the collar around your neck and whispering in your ear.* You please me. you will be able to come freely tonight.

Payne: *dropping my eyes, goosebumps forming all over as your breath hits my ear, loving the feel of the collar around my neck* Thank you Sir. It is my honor to please you. *smiling softly*

Zsadist:  *smirking at you.* And please me you shall. Get on your knees. Unbuckle my pants and take me in your mouth. *watching as you move, clenching my teeth.*

Payne:*immediately dropping to my knees before you, following your commands, gripping your erection and thrusting it into my mouth, hollowing my cheeks as I suck, swirling my tongue all around you, relaxing my throat to accommodate you, plunging you in and out as my lips purse tightly, my eyes looking up at you to gauge your reactions*

Zsadist:  *letting my hands snake into your hair, I watch you take me into your mouth. I groan at the feel of going all the way into your mouth.* That's right. Take it all the way in.

Payne: *moaning gently around you, the vibration on my tongue, I remove most of you from me, tantalize your tip with my tongue, then thrust you into my mouth, moving my other hand to stroke underneath you, caressing and fondling.*

Zsadist:  *letting my head fall back* Fuck! *knowing I have to stop this soon if I am going to get any playtime in.* Stop. *stepping back and taking your hand in mine.* You did great, now lay on the bed, legs spread.

Payne: *surprised at your words and actions, I follow your command and get on the bed, trusting you completely.*

Zsadist:  *looking over the different toys, seeing for the first time what you picked out. I hold up your toy* Hhmm, this would be fun thinking maybe it is too much. I pick up my choice. sitting on the bed. Turning to you as I let my hand move to your core, inserting a finger into you, testing to see how wet you are.* Yes, you are ready for me. *taking my toy in my hand and inserting it into you. Making sure not to turn it on just yet*

Payne: *trying to keep still as you insert your finger and then the vibrator. Looking at you with pleading eyes, needing & wanting more I fist the sheets in my hand, the anticipation almost too much to bare*

Zsadist:  *moving the vibrator in and out. Then after a few moments, I turn the vibrator on the lowest setting and watch as the vibrations course through you.*

Payne:  *arching my back, my head going deep into the mattress at the feel of the vibrations, the sensitivity shooting through me like wildfire, moaning loudly*

Zsadist:  *smirking contently as the vibrator touches right along your G-spot. I keep it there and let it do what it was made to do. feeling my own length growing as hard as possible. feeling a shiver as I know I am growing close to the brink of release, just watching you enjoy what I am giving you.*

Payne: *my hips undulate as the vibrator hits and pulses where it feels so good, hissing through clenched teeth as I can feel my core tightening, the muscles contracting* Oh God Z, I am going.......*fisting the sheets harder, squeezing my eyes tight, trying to hold back*

Zsadist:  *keeping the vibration hitting the place that you are most vulnerable. Wanting to see you explode with need from my toy.*

Payne: *unable to hold off, the feeling too intense, I open my eyes to look at you and groan out as my entire body shudders and shakes releasing again and again. My lip quivers as the vibrations continue and I try to relax my fists and legs* Oh. My. God.

Zsadist:  *The minute I see you finish I remove the vibrator and lay down next to you on the bed. grabbing your hips and pulling onto of me. inserting my hard length into you.* You didn't obey the rules. you called out my name before you came. I let you finish because you have been very good. But, now. Now you will not be allowed to come.

Payne:  *gasping at your words and the feel of you filling me, biting my lip to keep it from quivering, my eyes lowered* I'm sorry Sir.

Zsadist:  *grabbing a hold of your hips and moving you up and down my length.* That's right your sorry. *starting a pace that I enjoy I let my hands move up to your perfect breasts and knead them as I watch you riding me.*

Payne: *staying with the pace you have set, trying not to concentrate on how good it feels, closing my eyes as you fondle my breasts, not sure I can manage this task you have given.*

Zsadist: *Needing more. I sit up and pull you off of me, putting you on your knees.* Get on all fours. *positioning myself behind you at your opening. grabbing your hips and thrusting myself into you quickly and deeply. Growling at the sight and feel of you.*

Payne: *crying out as you enter me with force, hearing you growl sends a shock through me. I begin to push against you as you thrust, getting us into a divine rhythm. Biting down on my lip harder to break my thoughts of how good I am feeling.*

Zsadist: *stopping as I smack your ass.*

Payne:  *gritting my teeth to muffle my groan, focusing on the sting so I don't come, even though I can feel myself getting tighter around you, craving to let go. I continue to move with you, dropping my head to the mattress*

Zsadist:  *I pound into you, on edge, feeling my release growing closer and closer. I grab onto your hips, and when I do my orgasm pushes over and I fill you completely. Giving everything I have to you. After, I wrap my arms around your waist and bush my chest against yours as I try and catch my breath.*

Payne: *feeling you pound then release into me almost sends me careening, but I don't and I can't help but smile, glad you can't see my face. At the feel of you on my back, I take in a deep breath and then exhale, trying to slow my breath, moaning slightly*

Zsadist:  *removing myself from you I climb off the bed and pull my pants back on.* I need a shower. Take the collar off and leave it on the table next to the bed. Then come and meet me down in our bedroom. *I head to the door.* And you pleased me very well. *opening the door and walking to the bedroom.*

Payne: *collapsing onto the bed for a moment before getting up & removing my collar, laying it nicely on the table. Picking up the toys laying them on the table as well. Straightening out the bed sheets, then walking out of the playroom, closing the door behind me, making my way to meet my pyrocant in our bedroom, smiling wide*

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