Monday, January 17, 2011

Tweets 15

Payne:  *waking up to the faint smell of baby powder in the room, I gather up your clothes from last night to take to the laundry. The clothes are stained with black gook & are dirty and smelly. No wonder he went right to bed when he came in, I think to myself. He clearly had a busy, exhausting night. I was a bit disappointed, wanting to talk & give him some attention, but it had to wait. After the laundry, I went to the kitchen to make him some food, knowing he will be famished when he wakes.*

Zsadist:  *waking up, feeling better then I did the last night. feeling around in the bed for Payne and only feeling cold sheets. I roll over and crawl out of bed. walking into the bathroom, I get changed and splash water on my face. my muscles still tense from last nights fight. I walk out to the kitchen area and see you going through the fridge. I instantly remember how you looked last night, kicking myself for being too tired to give you the attention you needed. I make a mental note to fix that problem today.

Payne: Morning babe. Rough night last night, huh? *throwing some eggs in the frying pan, bacon in another, toast in the toaster and cutting an apple, looking at how exhausted you are* Are you hungry? You should eat and then go rest some more. *smiling, but concerned*

Zsadist:  *nodding as I take a seat at the breakfast bar* We found the training facility. Which is good news but we didn't get them all, but there were about 35-40 of them, so we made an impact. We just have alot of work ahead of us. *nodding at you* I am starving *walking over to you and taking a slice of apple from the cutting board* How was your night?

Payne:  *trying to hold back my delight, I turn and check on the eggs and bacon* I went to the mansion and met with Wrath. *pulling out the toast, I put some on a plate and hand it to you, grinning* He explained that things were picking up with the Lessening Society.

Zsadist: *nodding as I take another piece of apple* well that's an understatement. From what we found last night, the 30 we killed will only leave a dent after what we think is going on. *leaning against the counter and thinking* Why would wrath tell you about the Lessers *not knowing why Wrath would worry Payne with such news.*

Payne:  *getting the eggs and bacon together* He was explaining you will need to be on rotation more; I asked him to explain. And after some negotiation *taking a deep breath* we agreed I would rotate in as well *quickly turning back to the stove, turning off the burners.*

Zsadist:  *my whole body freezing as I heard you say the words* you what? *not sure I heard you right. I sit back in the chair,crossing *my arms over my chest, staring you down.* Please tell me I misheard you.

Payne:  *turning back to you, thankful the breakfast bar is between us as I notice your eyes beginning to turn darker yellow* He wants me to do some more training, but he knows I am capable of joining the war. And it sounds like our race needs the help. *letting it all out in- -one breath, I am forced to take in some much needed air.*

Zsadist:  *unable to contain myself I have to stand up. I start pacing the kitchen like a caged Lion. Not sure what to say or do. but *knowing something has to be said.* You mean to tell me you are going to go out there and get killed. *shaking my head at the thought of *you even being within feet of a letter, let alone in actual combat with them.* No. No. I won't let you.

Payne:  *seeing your eyes darken even more, but unable to stop my reaction, my voice rising* EXCUSE ME? You won't LET me? I have warrior blood inside me too Zsadist. You expect me to just sit around here as your little submissive, waiting for your collar when you get home? *yelling* FUCK. THAT!

Zsadist:  *pacing more, practically stomping at this point.* Fuck that? Fuck your bloodline. you aren't ready. You are a fucking female for crying out loud. *rubbing my hand over my head* Jesus Christ, you don't even know the first thing about killing a lesser. And you don't want to be my submissive, that's fine. just say it. you don't need to be going out, acting like you are a bad ass.

Payne:  *standing tall, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to physically hold myself together as his words sting. Feeling tears form, I swallow hard, pushing them away, lowering my voice a bit* Like I said, Wrath wants me to log a bit more training. Me being a female has nothing to fucking do with it. You sparred with me in the beginning...I don't act bad ass, I am. *my eyes fall to the floor, my voice much lower now* and if you don' as your submissive, then *taking a deep breath*....then I won't be.

Zsadist:  *growling to myself I push my hand over my head again* No. I want you. I have always wanted you. *shaking my head and walking *up to you* since I know you will be spending more time training... come with me to the playroom. *knowing I need to find a way to get *you in the playroom, that is where I can show you how I really feel.* Please.

Payne:  *unable to look up at you or respond because of the lump in my throat, still holding myself together, literally, I nod and make my way to the playroom, keeping my eyes locked on the floor*

Zsadist:  *taking your hand and leading you up the stairs to the playroom. opening the door and kicking it closed with my foot as I leave you in the middle of the room, taking out your collar and putting it around your neck.* You are mine. My Submissive. No one else's *I take your hand place you on the table in the purple room.* Lay on your stomach. *watching you obey as I then strap your arms & legs down*

Payne:  *responding with a Yes, Sir, as you place my collar on, I look up to your eyes and notice they are now black. I obey, getting on the table, wincing slightly at the tightness of the straps around my arms and legs*

Zsadist:  *pulling out a flogger out of the chest at the bottom of the bed. It is beginners flogger. I let the strands move over your back, then quickly flicking my wrist, so the flogger strands come down, snapping against your skin.*

Payne:  *my back concaves against the whip of the flogger, I let out a quiet wince, tears forming in the corners of my eyes, swallowing hard to keep them from spilling over*

Zsadist:  *moving the flogger down your back to your ass and thighs. Then I lift my hand this time and snap the flogger down to area where your ass meets your legs. Watching your reaction.* then moving the flogger to the back of your legs. snapping it harder this time, not even hold back. giving you the full force of the flogger.*

Payne:  *letting out a yelp, the sting intense, biting my lip hard to stop from crying out, the tears spilling over*

Zsadist:  *flicking the flogger across your skin lightly as I move a hand to your hair, grabbing it and pulling it back.* You like it rough don't you. *pulling your hair back further, wanting to see inside of your eyes.*

Payne:  *tears spill over again, running down my cheek. the stinging on my back and legs too much and now my head, knowing you are angry, your eyes so black, I look directly at you* Red.

Zsadist:  *shocked and upset I quickly let go of your hair and start undoing your restraints. my anger still at the surface, but also mixing with fear at the thought that I hurt you.*

Payne:  *pulling my hands to my face, unable to look at you. I unclasp the collar while getting off the table. I lay the collar on the table and run out of the room, to our bathroom, locking the door behind me, sobbing uncontrollably.*

Zsadist: *watching you leave, looking at your collar sitting on the table. I can't take it anymore. I walk down stairs and dematerialize to the compound. knowing I still have my backup weapons and everything there to change into hunting gear. I wouldn't even be able to face @Payne_Untied after that.

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