Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tweets 21

Zsadist: *coming awake as I find you draped over me. your legs and arms holding onto me tightly. I smirk tiredly as I start to rub my small circles on your arm. trying to wake you up slowly.* Wake up Princess. *giving you a small shake. knowing you are a heavy sleeper*

Payne: *my skin tingles on my arm from your fingers. Smirking as I keep my eyes closed and whine* Whaaa? Whyyyy?

Zsadist: *smirking as I roll you over, knowing you are awake and just testing me. I crawl ontop of you, making sure to keep my weight off you as I start kissing your shoulder.* Because I need food and so do you. *kissing my way up to your ear* So, we have to get up.

Payne: *moaning at the feel of your lips on me, not yet opening my eyes but wrapping my legs around you. My hands find your face as I try to put your lips to mine, but feeling your resistance. Pouting and smirking slightly, I move my hand down your side and give your ass a swat* So whatcha cooking us?

Zsadist: *smirking as I chuckle to myself.* I was thinking the exact same thing. why do you think I have been trying to wake you up? *pulling away and looking at you.* See you’re awake. come on. make me breakfast.

Payne: *huffing loudly and pushing on your chest to get off me completely. Getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Calling out to you, chuckling slightly* Don't you need a shower?

Zsadist: *looking down at my already hardened cock, thinking about your naked form in the bathroom. I curse myself for always wanting you. knowing that soon you will be so sore you won't be able to function.* Yeah, I need a shower. *mumbling to myself* I fucking cold one. *walking into the bathroom as I join you in the shower. grabbing the soap and slowly moving it over your back.*

Payne: *groaning as you wash me, turning so you can wash the front. Taking some soap in my hands as I explore your shoulders and chest and stomach with suds. Keeping my mouth away from you, but my eyes fixated on yours as I suds up your thighs and ass.*

Zsadist: *groaning slightly as I let you move around me. getting close to my hardened length but also staying away. I move over your chest and stomach with the soap. letting my fingers play in the soapy suds that have now covered your skin.*

Payne: *wanting to chuckle as your fingers dance on me but I have to concentrate on keeping the heat and desire between us at bay. Rotating my finger to motion to you to turn around, I glide my hands over your muscular back, over your tattoos and down your spine. Unable to help myself, I give your ass a little squeeze as a growl escapes my chest*

Zsadist: *stepping away from you as I feel you grabbing my ass. I know that if I don't stop you, our breakfast will take even longer then originally planned. I turn around and step into the stray with you. washing all the soap off of us.*

Payne: *stepping out of the shower, grabbing you a towel and wrapping myself in one. Walking into the closet to grab a tank top and some yoga pants, I notice the pile of dirty clothes in the corner of the closet, thinking out loud* We will run out of underwear if I don't do something about that, not that I mind either of us going commando *shaking my head and smirking to myself*

Zsadist: *looking at the cloths and thinking that I have never had to wash one piece of clothing ever.* Yeah, you will have to do something about that. Since I have no idea how to wash cloths. *dropping my towel and pulling on the last pair of boxers I have and some loose fit jeans and a black wife beater.*

Payne: *turning to you, slightly miffed that you assume I will take care of our household chores* I only learned how to do it from Fritz before we moved in here. I can show you, if you want, so you can help. *coming nearer to you in the enclosed space of the closet*

Zsadist: *smirking as I know that I just frustrated you by inferring that you would clean the cloths.* Well, why would you show me if you already know how to do it? *shrugging while keeping my smirk in check, looking down at you seriously* you can save the time and just wash them yourself.

Payne: *stalking now even closer to you and I give you a hard thrust in the chest* Zsadist!! *huffing loudly I turn back to the pile of dirty clothes and start collecting only mine, throwing yours at you* Wash your own damn laundry! *stomping out of the closet with my arms loaded, making my way to the laundry room*

Zsadist: *smirking at you as I see you push me. But then you storm off with your dirty cloths and I stand there frozen. Thinking that I really did fuck up this time. Grabbing my cloths and making my way to the laundry room. putting them down outside the door as I see you loading the washing machine. I walk up behind you, knowing that I shouldn't touch you yet, if I want to keep my limbs intact.* I was just kidding. I will do my own laundry. *watching you intently as I gauge your reaction.*

Payne: *keeping focused on separating the laundry, still irritated, but feeling better that you are truly not a male chauvinist pig* It wasn't funny. Do you want me to show you or not because I would like to eat something today. *smirking as I turn to face you*

Zsadist: *slightly worried from your tone. you sounding like you are irritated but I see your smirk and know you are just messing with me.* Yes. Please show me how to use this thing you call a washing machine. *wrapping my arms around your waist, laying my chin on your shoulder as you explain the difference in cloths, and then how to position it on the machine, then how you add the detergent. Thinking it doesn't look that difficult.*

Payne: *hoping you are understanding everything and that our whites stay white, turning in your arms and kissing your lips* See? Not rocket science. *smiling up at you as my stomach growls* Can we eat now?

Zsadist: *nodding as I take your hand and walk you to the kitchen. opening the fridge as I start looking over what our options are seeing eggs and all the extras to make an omelet, so I start pulling those out.* You want an omelet? I can make a steak one. It's good.

Payne: *sitting at the kitchen bar, smiling as I watch you.* Mmmm. That sounds great. Can I help you do anything? *coming up behind you this time, my turn to wrap my arms around your waist, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder*

Zsadist: *pushing some bell peppers and onions onto a cutting board* you can chop these. *going back to cooking the steak and prepping the pan for the omelet when the peppers are done.* make sure you keep them big enough, that you can still see them. *smirking slightly*

Payne: *chopping the onions bring tears to my eyes so I turn to the peppers and feel you looking over my shoulder* To your liking Chef?

Zsadist: *smirking as I take the peppers off the cutting board and put them in with the cooking steak.* Yes, they were great. Thanks. *finishing the steak as I start assembling the omelet. When they are all done I put them on a plate and hand it to you. while nodding toward the breakfast bar.* sit. Eat. *kissing your forehead as I take my own plate to the bar.*

Payne: *sitting at the bar, inhaling the delicious scent coming from the plate, I break off a piece on my fork and pop it in my mouth moaning as I chew and swallow* Holy shit Z. This is fantastic. *taking a few more bites, moaning more at the scrumptiousness*

Zsadist: *smirking as I finish my food, then standing and taking your plate and mine too the sink. making a mental note to do those later.* I am glad you like it. there are only a few things I know how to make, and that's one of them. *walking up to you, still sitting on the bar stool.* So, what are we going to do today? more laundry?

Payne: *watching you intently then thinking* well, we need to finish it up and put it away. But *shrugging* I don't know what else...*leaning my face on my hand, looking at you, smirking* what do you want to do?

Zsadist: *taking your hand in mine as I walk you back to the laundry room.* okay so, they are washed. now what? *stepping back as I watch you putting the cloths in the dryer.* That's it? there isn't some special powder or colors I have to separate again?

Payne: *chuckling at you, running my hand over your cheek* No, babe. Just turn this dial and hit start. *turning to the washing machine putting in the next load, then hopping up to sit on top of it, brushing my hands against each other* Piece of cake. *fisting your shirt and pulling you to me, crushing my mouth to yours*

Zsadist: *letting you lead I step in between your legs, kissing you. my kisses are light at first, not sure what you want to do. Then at feeling your tongue brush up against mine, I know exactly what you want, what you need. I devour your mouth with mine. pulling your body close to mine as I groan into your mouth.*

Payne: *your response makes me moan as I feel your cock brush up against my thigh. Probing the inside of your mouth hungrily with my tongue as I wrap my legs around you, bringing your hardness closer to my craving core*

Zsadist: *cursing your cloths as my hands roam your body. hearing the sound of the washing machine in the background as I break away from you.* We need you naked. *pulling at your yoga pants and tank top.*

Payne: *lifting myself up slightly to wiggle out of my pants then pulling at the button and zipper of your jeans, watching your cock spring free as your pants fall to the floor, groaning at the sight. I lace my fingers at the nape of your neck, bringing your face to mine again attacking your mouth as my legs pull you in*

Zsadist: *my jaw slacked as I see you taking control. the temperature in the small laundry room increasing as our arousal builds together. I take possession of your mouth, nipping at your bottom lip. my cock right at your opening, your legs trying to push me further inside, and I let them. slowly making my way into you. feeling your tight core around my hard cock, causes me to groan out loud.*

Payne: *the washing machine begins to spin, sending vibrations through me as you enter me. releasing my grip on your neck, I lean back on my hands, my back arching at the momentum being created between my legs and under me. I groan loudly as I watch you*

Zsadist: *taking hold of your hips as I thrust into you roughly. wanting you to feel me enter you even as the machine goes into the spin cycle. feeling myself enter the deepest recesses of your body. It sends shock waves through me. I growl and hold onto my control.*

Payne: *rocking my hips as you thrust into me, feeling your tip hit my inner walls. The sensation of washer as it vibrates against me and your length deep inside sends me reeling and I throw my head back, allowing all of me to relish in the pleasure*

Zsadist: *pushing your shoulders back so you are leaning against the back of the washer and the wall. The ability to watch you, sends electrical pulses through my body, ending at the farthest top of my cock. I groan as my left hand move up your stomach to your chest. touching, pinching, causing your nipples to bead up at my touch. I watch you intensely as I plow into your already soaking core.*
Payne: *My entire being responds to your touch. My center ignites and tightens around you, pulsating in pure ecstasy as I come hard around you. I cry out as the washing machine seems to slow* Oh. God....Zsadist.

Zsadist: *moving at the same pace and speed inside of you as you clamp down on my cock. I keep giving, letting you ride out your orgasm to the fullest. When I see your muscles relax that is when I release my control. I grip your hips with both hands and fill you with my hot release. Grunting as I pull your chest to mine. Holding you close as the washing machine beeps, signally the cloths are done*

Payne: *feeling unable to move, my body so sated and relaxed, glancing up at you, barely able to wrap my arms around you* I don't think I can move. Mind helping me down? *smirking at you, knowing this is a boost to your ego*

Zsadist: *smirking down at you as I know you are kidding with me. I quickly pull my jeans back up then help you get your pants on. then I take one of your hands in mine and my other hand around your waist, helping you to your feet.* Are you okay? *feeling like you weren't able to even hold your own weight.*

Payne: *grateful for your assistance as I do feel sluggish but trying to cover it up, I chuckle* It's you...you wear me out. *grabbing lightly at your dick* well this too *smirking at you as I take the laundry from the dryer and refill it with the wet clothes* Will you help me get this basket upstairs? I don't do ironing. *smirking again*

Zsadist: *smirking as I agree, taking the basket in one hand, and lacing your fingers with mine, I head up to our room. Walking inside I place the basket on the bed, then make you sit next to it.* You sit. and direct me where everything goes. *looking in the basket at the fact that all of the cloths are yours, I pull out a baby-blue thong.* I know where this goes. *stuffing it on my jean pocket, holding back a smirk as I pull out a shirt.* okay. now this. fold or hang?

Payne: *laughing as I shake my head at you* Shirts can be hung up. My workout stuff goes in the middle drawer. My panties go in the top drawer Mister. *laying my head down on the pillow, curling my legs up, watching you put away laundry. I whisper aloud* I have to get a camera. Your brothers would never believe you cook and put away laundry. *smiling* Z, I love you.

Zsadist: *stopping myself as I head to the closet, turning back to you.* The brothers will never know that I do laundry or cook. that stays confidential. *smirking slightly as I walk to the closet and hang up some of your shirts. Then returning to you, I lean down and kiss you briefly. hovering over you, looking into your eyes.* I love you too. *I say quietly, so that only you can hear it. Then I tum back and finish with the clothes.*

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