Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tweets 10

Zsadist:  *walking out of the conference room and to the room we are staying at. Standing in front of the door and listening for a moment and not hearing anything. I open the door and walk in, seeing you standing by the sofa. I walk up behind you unclasping the collar, placing it on the bed behind us and stepping in front of you.* You did a great job. *smirking at you*.

Payne:  *letting out a breath, smiling at you* That was fun. It was just as I had fantasized. *leaning into you* Thanks. *doing a quick twirl for you* Nice suit by the way.

Zsadist: *watching the way you move* Yeah, I have to say I am really liking it too. *grabbing a hold of you, snaking my hand in your hair and kissing you briefly.* Very Nice.

Payne: *kissing you briefly* You have excellent taste in clothes. Speaking of, there is something you gave me for Christmas....I think I will go put that on. Would you like that? *smirking and winking at you*

Zsadist: *thinking about the outfit I got you for Christmas* Hell yeah I would like that. *already feeling myself harden, and turning you, letting my hands move down your backside.* Go put it on.

Payne: *scoots out of the room, quickly changing into and going into the closet to pick up one of the toys I bought at the 'toy shop'. Stopping at the doorway, twirling one of these on my finger. Using a teasing, girly voice* Zzzzz, will you come play with me?

Zsadist: *watching you playing with the candy ring I start thinking about what you would do with them. I realize and instantly become fully erect.* Holy Shit. *now the toys I bought pale in comparison to what you are going to do to me.* Get your ass over here.

Payne: *sashaying over to you, letting you look at me, twirling around a bit so the tiny skirt floats up and you see I have nothing on underneath, getting closer to you* I think you are overdressed for our playdate babe. *loosening your tie and pulling it over your head* I really like this tie. It brings out the color of your eyes. *unbuttoning your shirt, slowly, kissing the skin as its exposed, pulling the shirttail out of your pants and letting the shirt fall from your shoulders. My eyes never leaving yours as I undo the button of your pants and carefully pull down the zipper.reaching my hands into the waistband of your pants, gripping your ass, my eyes widen* Commando? Niiice. *allowing the pants to fall to the ground, I push you gently on the shoulders to sit you back on the couch. I fall to my knees and gently stroke you, gliding the cock ring down.*

Zsadist: *letting my head ball back against the sofa, barely holding on what you are doing to me. your hands and mouth sending my nerve endings on fire. I can feel your touch all the way through me. clench my jaw, growl, and feel every muscle in my body tense as you put the ring on me.* Oh Hell yeah... *instinctively moving my hips toward your mouth.*

Payne: *looking up at you from under my lashes* You ready to play Z? *licking at the candy on the ring* mmmmmm the green is my favorite *licking up your shaft, teasing the tip with my tongue, snaking my tongue down the other side and then back up. taking you completely in my mouth, using my tongue to lick the candy on the bottom of the ring, moaning around you*

Zsadist: *grabbing the sofa cushions and groaning out loud. Letting my hands move to your head, watching as you move all around me.* Taking me in and out of your mouth.* Damn you are so damn good.

Payne: *moving my mouth from around you but keeping my lips in contact as I glide down and carefully bite off a piece of the candy, licking back up to the tip, keeping the candy piece on my tongue and taking you again to the back of my throat.*

Zsadist: *grunting and forming incoherent noises as you move up and down. knowing I can't take much more.* Please, more. I need more.

Payne: *looking up at you, removing my mouth* Aww, I am not being a very good sharer am I? Mom always taught me to share my toys *smirking at you, returning to the ring and biting off another piece, holding it out on my tongue* Want a piece?

Zsadist: *eyeing the candy, knowing it was just on my cock. The logical side of me says, don't take it. the sex crazed side says, take it. I move quickly, wrapping my arms around your waist and pulling you to me as I take your mouth in mine. Bringing the candy and your tongue into my mouth. moaning into your mouth as I feel you kissing me back. Your bare, wet core only inches over my raging hard cock.*

Payne: *kissing you back, fusing my mouth with yours, my want being conveyed in the attack of my tongue on yours, breathing hard through my nose, slowly gliding my center over yours*

Zsadist: *pushing your hips down, feeling your center ease around me. I groan and move my hips to meet yours. Holding you down to me as I feel my cock twitching with need.*

Payne: *moving my hips with yours, feeling the intensity building, moving my mouth to your ear, sucking on your lobe, whispering* I've been a bad girl. I need to be spanked. *sucking at your neck, nipping at it slightly*

Zsadist: *thrusting myself up into you, needing the friction. I break the kiss and look into your eyes* Yes you have been. *pulling my hand back and smacking your ass hard. Keeping my hand there, trying to help ease the sting. Knowing I lost myself in the moment, and hoping I didn't hurt you too badly.*

Payne: *throwing my head back at the sting but the pleasure and pain send me reeling over the edge and I scream as the muscles from my back to my toes tighten as I shake, milking your cock, shuttering against you over and over*

Zsadist: *moving in you faster and harder as I see your reaction to my smack. I loose my hold, and shudder, moan, and release into you holding you tightly to me as I let go of everything I have been holding back.*

Payne: *grinding my center into yours, completely overwhelmed at the intensity. Feeling you slow, I collapse onto you, nuzzling my head into your neck.* Wow.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tweets 9

Zsadist:  *waking up, being quiet not to wake @Payne_Untied. I get dressed in my suit and lay out your suit on the bed. The same business women suit I picked out yesterday when we were window shopping. I write a note saying ~'Get dressed, wear your collar, and meet me in Conference Room 115. At 8:00 exactly.'~ I grab my phone and walk out the door, making sure to let the door slam, in hopes that it wakes you up.*

Payne: *hearing the door slam, I pop out of bed, looking around for you but only finding your note. I see the beautiful suit also on the bed: a blazer and short skirt. I immediately put it on, anticipating my secretary/boss fantasy I told you about. The short skirt comes to my mid-thigh and in the business world, I assume women would wear something under the blazer. I choose not to-exposing my cleavage. I tie my hair up loosely in a bun, put on my highest heels and my collar. My heart is racing with anticipation as I ride the elevator downstairs and tentatively knock on the door marked with a 115 on its gold faceplate.*

Zsadist: *sitting at the head of the conference table. In my navy blue suit, with white dress shirt and matching blue blazer. Adding a yellow tie to accent my eyes. Or so the sales lady said. I put my feet up on the table as I hear the knock. I call out 'Come In'. *watching as you walk into the room. Eying your outfit and holding back the smirk.*

Payne:  *catching my breath as I see you sitting at the head of the conference table looking as handsome as I have ever seen, I clear my throat, but my voice is still husky* Sir, you wanted to see me?

Zsadist: *not moving and waving you closer to me.* we have some things to discuss. We need to talk about that report of yours that you submitted the other day. *letting my feet drop and standing, getting closer to you.* I have seen you do better. *eying you intently.*

Payne: *my heart quickens as you come closer, I drop my eyes to the floor* I...I apologize sir.There was so much to be done. I suppose I did not pay it much attention. It will not happen again.

Zsadist:  *watching you* Yes, you are right, it won't happen again. *letting my hands move to your hips.* It was sloppy and inarticulate. I think you need to do it over. Even if it means staying in the office all night. You need to do it over. *letting my thumbs brush over your skirt. slightly*

Payne:  *keeping my eyes to the floor, I murmur a 'Yes Sir', feeling your touch sets my nerves on fire, I try to turn away to make an exit, but turn right into the conference room table, forcing my top half over it slightly. I let out a soft grunt and my face flushes*

Zsadist:  *watching you try and leave me and then trip over the table. Unable to help myself, I grab onto your hips.* Now this is something I can work with. *pushing my hips into your backside. Letting you feel my hard length into your soft backside.*

Payne: *smirking, knowing you can't see my face, hoping this is how you would respond, my grunt turns into a moan as I feel you pressed up against me. I push my ass toward you as a way to encourage you. I move my hands and arms to the top of the table*

Zsadist:  *letting one hand go as I unbuckle my pants and let them fall down to the ground, freeing myself from the confines of my pants. letting my other hand down to your leg and then pushing your skirt up, letting my thumb skim over the outside of your panties.*

Payne:  *my hips move to your hand needing more, wanting more, feeling the wetness between my legs, groaning for the attention*

Zsadist: *hearing your groan sends me into a frenzy. I roughly pull your panties down to your mid-thigh. swatting your ass as I position myself at your opening.* Maybe this will teach you to turn in your reports correct the first time. *thrusting myself into your wet center. hearing you call out in pleasure.*

Payne:  Oh God! *I call out as your thrust goes so deep and you fill me. I move around you to allow my core to accept you fully, moaning loudly at the sensations. I push myself back into you as you come toward me, getting us into a rhythm that has my entire body craving release.*

Zsadist:  *moving into you. grabbing your hips hard as I take you like I want it. Growling with pure need as I feel your walls around me. Letting my other hand roam down your hips and around to your front. slipping my hand around your clit. Letting my fingers work you.*

Payne:  *moaning loudly as your fingers massages my throbbing clit, feeling myself tighten more around you as you hold me steady, knowing my release is coming quickly, my voice is harsh but quiet* Z, oh god Z!

Zsadist: *feeling my length grow even harder. I slam into you deeper than before.* I know you would like this. You like me taking you from behind. *moving my fingers against your clit faster than before.*

Payne:  *unable to articulate words, I nod then rest my forehead on the table, trying to slow my breathing as you thrust into me. unsure of my permission, I pant out* Sir...may I ... come...for you?

Zsadist:  *clenching my jaw as you ask for permission.* Oh, you know how I like it. *pounding into you a few more times.* Yes, you may come for me.

Payne: *it was all I needed as my release came quick and hard, groaning out loud as the feeling had me soaring, my core tightening and releasing around you again and again.*

Zsadist: *feeling your walls clenching around me, I loose myself. grabbing your hips hard and stilling my hips as I fill you up. slowly easing myself out of you, knowing your position can't be comfortable. I step back and let you get yourself together.*

Payne:  *pulling up my panties, straightening out my skirt, I stand and turn to you, careful not to look into your eyes, trying to hide my smile* Sir, did you need anything else? *running my finger up from the button on my jacket, in between my breasts, over my collar*

Zsadist:  *watching your finger as I let my eyes roam your body.* That will be all. *walking behind you, holding you against me* Go back to your room. I will be right behind you. You did so well. I am very pleased with you, Princess.

Payne:  *smiling as I walk out the door to the elevator. Once inside I take some deep breaths, realizing I do not have direction once I return to the room. suddenly panicked, I enter our room and wait by the sofa for your return.*

Tweets 8

Payne:  *coming out of the bathroom, freshened up and wearing with stopping at the doorway to gauge your reaction* Will this suffice for this evening?

Zsadist:  *looking you up and down from my seat. My jaw falling open slightly* Yeah. That is great. *standing, taking my jacket off, loosening some buttons and rolling my sleeves up slightly.* I am ready to go also. *grabbing my car keys and taking your hand* lets go.

Payne:  *taking your hand, getting in the elevator, 'accidentally' tripping into your arms* long do we have until we get to the lobby? *smirking*

Zsadist:  *holding you in my arms, seriously contemplating taking you in the elevator, but knowing I needed to be focused tonight.* Not long enough. *Helping you to your feet* And besides there will be plenty of that later. *riding the elevator down to the lobby, getting into the Porsche, and driving to the Bowery Ballroom and finding parking. Turning the car off and turning to face you.*

Payne:  *after driving a bit, I am unsure where we are. I turn to face you, wondering what is going on* Z? What's up?

Zsadist:  *pulling out your collar from my pocket* This is for you. *holding it out, hoping you would take it.* I wanted to bring you here, Muse is playing. It’s a small place and I was able to get tickets. But, I wanted us to go so that you can see, you can trust me. I would never do to harm you while you are wearing my collar. And I think this concert will show you that. Will you wear my collar?

Payne:  *surprised by the collar, unsure why he would want me to wear it here, a Muse concert, smiling wide* Muse? I love them!! *feeling a bit conflicted though. I choose not to question him, he said this was about trust.* Yes, of course, I will wear the collar. *turning in my seat, lifting my hair from my neck so you can put it on.*

Zsadist:  *smiling slightly as I place the collar on your neck. Growing hard at the sight, but pushing it down.* Okay, lets get inside before we are late for the show. *stepping out of the car and walking you inside*

Payne:   *trying to hide my excitement at seeing one of my favorite bands live, I keep my eyes down and follow you into the venue*

Zsadist:  *letting you walk in front of me as I give the tickets to the door man. Then walking out into the big open floor. * I hope this is okay. The seats are crap here. The best is standing. *taking your chin in my hand* Have fun and trust me.

Payne:  *looking around at the place, seeing the stage all set, my heart is racing with anticipation, looking into your eyes* Thank you, Sir. This is wonderful.

Zsadist: *taking a hold of your hips and walking into the crowd, watching the black stage in front of us. Making sure your hips are right against my hardened length.*

Payne:   *feeling you behind me, my breath hitches a bit and as the band comes out on stage, I can't help but move a bit into you, smiling even though you can't see my face*

Zsadist: *wrapping my hands around your waist, watching the band come on the stage and everyone going crazy around us. I nuzzle your neck as we listen to a few songs. I keep my hands on your hips, occasionally brushing my fingers against you.*

Payne:  *moaning at you on my neck, l incline my head to yours, occasionally singing along with the songs and moving my hips to the beat of the music, entwining my fingers with yours on my waist, having you move with me, thinking that this moment is simply the best ever.*

Zsadist:  *grinding against your hips. smirking at you singing along. noticing everyone around us has their eyes on the stage. I let my fingers wonder down your body. brushing the skin of the inside of your leg. leaving little nibbles on your neck at the same time.*

Payne:   *my eyes widen and I turn my head to you, furrowing my brow, questioning you but not speaking aloud*

Zsadist:  *eyeing you, looking back at the stage, smirking. Inching my fingers even further up your leg slowly.* Concentrate Princess.

Payne:   *looking back at the stage, feeling you inch closer to already throbbing core, continuing to sway with the music, allowing myself to enjoy the feel of you on me, the music filling my ears, the crowd around us. As 'Uprising' begins playing, I can't help but chuckle*

Zsadist:  *knowing it is time. Seeing that you have let your guard down. Leaning down and talking into your ear.* You know everyone here knows you are mine. They see your collar and know they can't have you. *moving my fingers even closer to your center.* Only I can have you. And I can have you any way I want you, anywhere I want you. *inching my fingers even closer* I can even take you here if I want. *removing my hand from your thigh and taking your hand in mine. walking us to the back of the building. Finding a dark corner and pushing you up against the wall. blocking your entire body with mine.* See, I can take you anywhere.

Payne:   *seeing the hunger in your eyes even though it is dark, the craving of my core is palpitating through me* Yes sir. Anywhere you wish, anyhow you wish. *my breath is husky, looking away from you, hearing the incredibly fitting 'Undisclosed Desires' begin playing*

Zsadist:  *grabbing your leg and pushing it away, so I can get better access. I quickly undo my belt and free my raging erection. I push your skirt up and insert myself into you.* That's right. Anywhere I want. *grunting at the feel of being inside of you. Not even noticing all the people that were enthralled in the concert.*

Payne:   *trying not to bring attention to us, I silently cry out as you fill me, my head going back against the wall, then forward to your shoulder, wrapping my arms around you to make it look like we are just dancing, grinding my hips into yours, biting your collarbone through your shirt in an attempt to stifle my moaning* fuck *I whisper*

Zsadist:  *moving in and out of you.* You are mine. *letting my other hand grab your ass as I pound into you.*

Payne:   *peeping my eyes up over your shoulder to be sure no one is seeing this, I move my mouth to your neck and graze my teeth against you, moaning, knowing you can feel the vibration, moving my mouth to your ear, I nibble on your lobe.* yours.*my core taking all you give already tightening and clenching around you.*

Zsadist:  *moving deep inside of you. groaning out loud, so caught up in you, I don't care who hears.* That's right your mine. and I want to feel you come for me.

Payne:   *feeling you deeper, I grind my hips against you, moving my hands down to your ass, gripping it hard as my orgasm is unleashed around you and I groan out loud in your ear.*

Zsadist:  *feeling you convulse around me, I groan and hold back slightly as I feel your orgasm start to slow. I grab your ass and then start pounding into you. letting my own orgasm overtake me. *

Payne:   *relaxing my entire body around you, feeling sated and spent, kissing your neck*

Zsadist:  *removing myself as quickly as I entered. I put my pants back together and help you get back to your feet.* So, you trust me a little more now?

Payne:   *shaking my head, nodding, thinking that was one hell of a lesson in trust, I look back to the stage as Muse jams out a version of 'Supermassive Black Hole'. rolling my eyes* You ready to go....Sir?

Zsadist:  *looking at the stage and back at you.* We can stay if you want or we can go. *taking your hand in mine.*

Payne:   *attempting to stifle a yawn* Whatever you desire, Sir, but I am ready for sleep. *looking up at you, whispering* thank you.

Zsadist:  *taking your hand and leading you out of the building. toward the car. Helping you in, as I get in and head back to the hotel.* Have I worn you out with all our activities yet? Because I didn't plan on stopping. I thought the hotel room would inspire you to use some of the tings you bought today.

Payne:   *smirking but keeping my eyes on my hands clasped in my lap, knowing I still have the collar on* Yes sir, I would like that .

Tweets 7

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