Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tweets 3

Zsadist: *Reluctantly getting out of bed and rushing to get my hunting gear on. I am already late. Having Payne distracting me in my process of getting ready, it has made me late. I know I won't hear the end of it from the brothers. But then again I am hunting with V and Butch today, they are always fashionably late. I open the closet door and throw on my leathers as I start strapping my holsters on and placing my SIGs and my daggers where they need to go, checking everything before putting it in its holster. I turn and walk back to you, kissing your forehead.* I have to go, I am already late. Thanks to you. *smirking down at her.*

Payne: *Watching him get dressed to go hunting, I am immediately excited as he gets dressed in his leathers and straps on his guns and daggers, not wanting him to go, but knowing he needs to. Our race's existence needs him. I need him too, but I can't be selfish. I can have him when he gets home. I smile at him, rub my hands over his head and pull his lips to mine.* Please be safe. Come home soon. I will make dinner. *kissing you deeply*

Zsadist: *Kssing you back.* mmm, sounds good. I will see you then... *Instantly feeling protective of her.* Try to stay here as much as possible. I don't want you out in the streets by your self. If you do go out, take someone with you. And always have your cell with you. *Knowing she already knows this, but I would be devistated if a lesser got a hold of her.*

Payne: *Rolling my eyes but smiling, knowing he is just trying to protect me* ok, ok Zsadist. I don't have any plans to go out. Now go before I tie you to the bed. *smirking at you*

Zsadist:  *Brushing my lips against your forehead again and instantly dematerializing to the Brother's Compound. Arriving in the courtyard and seeing V and Butch leaning up against the Escalade, waiting on me. The second they see me, We all get into the car and head downtown. V and Butch chat it up like always and I just sit and zone out like always. We circle around the city twice, Butch not catching any kind of lesser activity. All this time I start of feel a ache. A physical ache, like my body calling out to Payne in a way I have never experienced before. When I was still living at the compound it got uncomfortable to be away, but that took days. This is only mere minutes apart and I am already feeling a difference. I push the feeling down. And keep my eye out the window and wait*

Payne:  *Feeling a physical loss at his absence, unlike anything I have felt before, I take a hot shower and begin to prepare for him to come home to me. I let my hair air dry to allow its natural wave then put on a robe to start dinner. I am roasting a chicken with an apple-honey glaze. I shake my head at the thought of him and his apples and new fascination with honey. As the chicken roasts I return to the bathroom to put on some light makeup and get dressed. I want to look beautiful for him, always. So I retrieve a "surprise" for him and and get dressed. Checking myself in the mirror, knowing the blue dress compliments my eyes, I smile, hoping he likes it. Heading back to the kitchen, my wanders, wondering what he is doing, if he's being safe, if he's thinking of me.*

Zsadist: *After circling the city a total of 5 times, we park and get out of the Escalade and start walking around. I am constantly having to push away the ache I have building at my absence of Payne. After another few minutes, Butch and V give up. They call Wrath and come to the conclusion that there isn't anyone out tonight. So, Wrath gives us the go ahead to take the night off. Butch and V start heading to ZeroSum. I almost wanted to dematerialize right back to Payne and spend the rest of the night and part of the day buried deep inside of her. But I also know that I haven't spend enough time with the Brothers like I would of normally of done when I lived at the compound. I give up and go with Butch and V to ZeroSum. I haven't been there in a while and it is a decent enough place. We walk in and walk right up to the VIP area. I take my usual spot keeping an eye on the entire place. Not sitting and not drinking.*

Payne: *I am staring out the windows to the city below my mind thinking of Z and I am unable to think of anything else. I walk into the office and grab a book. I don't even know what it is and I can't even concentrate on the words on the pages. I am missing him, the ache is almost painful.*

Zsadist: *Looking over the club, I smell a mix of humans and Vamps. I try to relax a little but the aches is starting to drift to my whole body, even effecting my muscles. I make a mental note to call Wrath and not schedule me on back to back hunting days I need a day to recover. The club is packed now and the music is decent. They play some old school hip hop mixed with newer rap. No wonder the brothers like it here, it isn't half bad.*

Payne: *Replacing the book to the shelf, unable to concentrate on anything but Z,  his broad shoulders, his muscular chest, his sexy abs, his huge cock; The way he makes me feel, his eyes. My mind is all over the place yet fixated on one thing: Zsadist. Suddenly, I find myself dematerializing. I did not wish to go anywhere and I am shocked to find myself at a club. Music is playing loudly and there are people everywhere, dancing, drinking, yelling, practically fucking… everywhere. I am unsure how I got here or why. I remain in the shadows, trying to collect myself, when I smell him. He is here. Zsadist is somewhere in this club. He is supposed to be out hunting but his scent is undeniably here. I step out of the shadows and my eyes scan the crowd to find him.*

Zsadist: *Turning back to Butch and V as all 3 of us start laughing at Butch and his jokes. I am shocked to feel Payne close. Very close. so close that I can smell her. I turn back to the dance floor and span the people. Frantically looking for her because I know she is here. I then see her stepping out into the dance floor. I instantly look her over. Seeing the dress she is wearing. The perfect way she always looks. Then I remember where we are. Where she is, I am worried that something is wrong, but I don't smell fear, maybe worry but not fear. our eyes meet and I am instantly mad that she is here. She shouldn’t be here by herself. Let alone while Butch and V right behind me. I am practically growling with anger as I start to head down the stairs toward the dance floor, toward her*

Payne: *My eyes meet his and a part of me is so happy to see him. But I am angered that he is even here. I see the black of his eyes and I know he is mad at me. I begin to make my way through the crowd of bodies on the dance floor toward him as he comes toward me.*

Zsadist: *Walking through the people of the club I am even more angry. I smell humans everywhere. What if there had been Lessers out? What if I wasn't here and some other male starting dancing with her? By the time I reached her I was beyond furious. I grabbed her arm and started walking straight to the bathrooms. Knowing the male bathroom is the most disgusting place in the club, I opt for the female bathroom and I walk straight in, not caring who is in there. All the stalls were taken except one small one. I walk in and lock us in. Thankful for floor to ceiling stall doors. I turn to her placing a hand on either side of her face and looking her over.* Is someone hurt? dying? is there a fire at the penthouse? *Knowing what her answer is but also not having any clue as to why she is here.*

Payne: *Growling at you and your reaction, I narrow my eyes* No Zsadist. There is no emergency. Mind explaining to me why you are here and not out fighting Lessers as you told me you were? *There is definite anger in my voice. I have an overwhelming feeling of doubt and worry that I am not enough for him…that he came here looking for something I am not providing. My eyes harden in on his*

Zsadist: What the fuck is that suppose to mean? *Even more angry now to think she would accuse me of wanting to be here instead of with her.* I am here because there wasn't any Lessers to hunt and because Butch and V... Why do I have to explain this to you? You are the one that said you were going to stay at home. And if you were to go out... you came here? Butch and V were right next to me. *Upset that I am angry with her, but also angry that we are having to hide, and angry that she was alone. I claw at the wall behind her head. Growling. Needing to get my frustration out somehow.*

Payne: *Looking down, unable to look in your eyes, realizing I got this all wrong* Z, honestly, I don't know how I got here. I was missing you so fucking much, I couldn't concentrate on anything else. Then suddenly I dematerialized here. Please don't be angry with me. Although you could have fucking called or texted. *Suddenly realizing how we could have been caught* Fuck! Did V or Butch see me?

Zsadist:  I don't know. *My eyes taking in your outfit and our proximity. My body betraying my brain.* I came after you and didn't see if they even noticed I had left. *Thinking about what you said and leaving it at that.* But they could of... Shit. This is not how I wanted V to find out. *My cock hard and my anger still present. I was waging a war inside myself. Leave her here and go back to my brothers, or take her against the bathroom stall door. I voted for the taking her part. My body singing with need to be as close as physically possible. I push my hips against hers and look deep into her eyes.* You are still going to be punished for this little stunt you pulled.*Instantly taking her mouth in mine. Not letting her respond to me. I was in control*

Payne: *Growling deep from my chest as you take my mouth, feeling your erect cock against me, running my hands over your skull trimmed hair down the back of your neck, further down your back to your ass. I grasp it tightly, letting you know what I want.*

Zsadist:  *Groaning against your mouth at the feel of your hands on me. I run my hands down your body, sliding my fingers up your skirt. Rubbing the sensitive skin between your core and your legs. Then quickly, thrusting my fingers inside. Feeling how wet you are I groan. Looking into your eyes, still angry as hell but needing you beyond measure.* You are mine. All Mine. This wet pussy better be for me. *Retracting my fingers as quickly as they entered. Taking your wrists in my hand, pushing your hands above your head. Holding you prisoner.*

Payne: *Moaning loudly knowing no one can hear me over the loud music, feeling completely controlled by you. I want more and my pussy responds. At the release of your mouth from mine, I beg* Please Z, please

Zsadist: *Eyeing you for a few minutes. Bringing in the surroundings. Usher's 'Lil Freak' was starting to play over the speakers. And I almost smiled at the perfect timing of the song. I lean my head down to your ear and whisper.* Listen. *hearing the words of the song* You are my little freak. *reaching down and unzipping my leather pants.* And everyone else is going to know you are taken. *I reach down and rip off your panties and thrust myself deep inside of you. howling in pure ecstasy.*

Payne: *Crying out as your huge cock enters my already soaking core, I hear the words of the song and smile. My hips pound at yours almost in rhythm with the beat. At the thought of you marking me as yours, I want to feed from you. I look into your eyes, seeking the permission I want, I need*

Zsadist:  *Seeing your need, and no matter how mad I was, I knew I had to give you anything you needed. I pushed your head down to my shoulder as I took you in rhythm with the music. Grabbing at your ass, holding you up, against me, as I plunged in and out of you. Feeling my own arousal amplify at the feel of my blood going into you.*

Payne: *Being at your neck, my fangs elongate and I bite, pulling at your vein with intensity. The feeling of you inside me-everywhere-takes me to the edge. I grind my core into you to get the friction my orgasm is craving for. Taking a few more deep pulls, I release from your neck and lick, from the wound up to your jaw to your lips. Pulling your bottom lip in between my teeth, sucking it hard.*

Zsadist: *Feeling you retreat from my vein, I kiss you back, but jerking my head back when you starting sucking on my lip. I grab you close to me and push you back, hard against the wall of the bathroom stall. Hearing a moan escape you as I bury myself completely into you. Grinding my pelvis into yours. Wanting to feel you come undone because of me.*

Payne: *Your deep thrust fills me and I scream out wordlessly as I convulse around you. My entire body shutters as the wave of pleasure washes over me again and again. I dig my fingertips into your back so as to hold on. My body feeling as if its not my own.*

Zsadist: *Unable to hold back, I dominate your mouth with mine, and continue to move in and out of your extremely tight core. Grunting your name with each thrust. Keeping in rhythm with the music. Falling into our own world as I feel my chest fill, releasing my claim on you. I release my bonding scent all over you and in you as I roughly come into you. Muffling my own groans with your mouth on mine.*

Payne: *Smelling the scent still unsure what exactly it is, my core is rocked again as you come. Another orgasm of mine meets yours while I hungrily take your mouth as you do mine.*

Zsadist: *Still moving slightly inside of you. Mixing your tongue with mine. Knowing I have bonded with you again but not caring at this moment. The only thing I care about is making sure I didn't hurt you.* You okay? *Letting my eyes wonder over you*

Payne: *Looking deep into your now yellow eyes, slowing my breath to speak* That was...I am....yeah....I am fine. Z, that scent...what is it? It *smiling up at you*

Zsadist: *Easing out of you, and putting your feet on the ground. Rubbing my head and trying to find the right words* Well, that is the bonding scent. It is released when males mark their females. *looking down and knowing it has to be said from me* and a male can only release it on one female in their entire life. *hoping you understand the severity of the bonding scent.*

Payne: *My eyes grow wide as I hear your explanation* Z..... *My heart fills with joy, yet I realize this is not the best place to have this discussion. I cup your face with my hands and pull you down for a soft kiss* Z.... *stepping back from you, adjusting my dress, recalling the scent from before* Is that why I dematerialized here without willing so?

Zsadist: *Pushing the feeling I have for you, to the back of my mind.* I don't know about that. I know that any female that takes a male's vein can track him and dematerialize to him, but it takes a lot of concentration. *Thinking for a moment* There was something V said...but it may not have anything to do with that. I just don't know. *Brushing my fingers against your cheek*

Payne: *Placing my hand on yours on my cheek, lacing my fingers with yours* We can talk about it later. Speaking of V, I better get out of here. Plus, I left dinner roasting. *Chuckles*

Zsadist: *Thinking how much of a good idea that is. We step out of the bathroom stall and get a few stray glances from fully drunk females as I glance at my reflection, making sure everything is in place and walking out the door. Wrapping my arm around you and whispering in your ear.* I will meet you at home. I have to smooth things over with Butch and V.

Payne: *Turning to you slightly, pecking your lips with a brief kiss, then looking around to be sure no one saw* See you later then.

Zsadist: *Reluctantly leaving you, walking through the crowd again and back up the VIP area where Butch and V had not moved at all. They were still in the exact same place. I landed on the couch next to V, completely relaxed and not caring what anyone says about my current behavior. I see V looking over at me, sniffing the air and then sits up straight. I instantly tense. I hope like hell he can't smell Payne on me. He starts looking around the club. 'Where is she?' he asks. I am on the full defensive at this point.* Who are you talking about? *and I notice Butch is now fully engrossed in the conversation as well. V looks me right in the eye. 'Your female. I can smell her on you. And I can smell your bonding scent. Damn brother. Don't you get enough?' he asks. I just sit there, lean back, and shake my head* Nope. She is... my... well you know. *not caring at this point what they think. I stand, knowing there is only one place I want to be.* I am calling it a night. I will see you two around. *I start walking to the front door of the club while Butch and V call out a few lame jokes at my expense and I shake them off and head home.*

Payne:  *After dematerializing home, I finished up dinner knowing Z would not be long after me.*

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